Right wing domestic terror body count is 100+ for 2018
Left wing domestic terror body count is -1 for 2018. (They are more of a danger to themselves than others)
Thoughts & prayers need to be purchased as an indulgence (paid for through one letter to a politician asking for some gun control). Otherwise the thoughts and prayers will effectively sound like “Baal accept this blood sacrifice OF our children”.
You don’t even need to read the manifesto to see how the #vanillaISIS shooter was radicalized. Someone did it for us and connected the dots.
Hint: it’s not video games…
People had guns at that location - we know that for a fact (even if it was already a safe bet). The idea that a “good guy” with a gun can stop a “bad guy” is so central to conservative gun culture mythologizing, they have to willfully ignore the fact that there frequently are people with guns at the sites of mass shootings (who fail to stop anything). Their whole gun mythology falls apart if they acknowledge reality.
Oh yes. Chaykin absolutely nailed it.
So many friends and fam complaining today about “the lack of mental health care in this country, blah blah blah.”
I can’t remember the last time an investigation following a mass shooting revealed that the killer had sought, and was subsequently denied, access to mental health care.
Even the small subset of mass shooters who had diagnosable mental health problems wouldn’t be prevented from carrying out their bloody deeds unless “access to mental health care” included a whole lot of involuntary institutionalization.
Word; it’s fucking EVIL, not “crazy.”
This is what happens when you stoke hatred and fear nonstop as a method of “courting voters.”
Horribly accurate.
The lack of mental health care in the USA results in more homeless people and more people institutionalized in jails instead of mental hospitals. It may also raise the number of suicides. It also contributes significantly to the level of substance abuse issues people have as they try to self medicate.
In short… lack of mental health options does directly contribute to people shooting up, or shooting themselves. NOT TO SHOOTING OTHERS.
“Me, work on a Sunday? What’re you, nuts?!”
Understandable. This “President” gig really bites huge chunks out of his golfing time.
What’s his handicap?
Answers on a postcard…
Leadership? Empathy? Humanity? Self-awareness? I’m gonna need a bigger postcard.
He is Donald Trump.
It may be a shorter list to ask “What’s his positive qualities?”
I’ll wait.
I can only think of one; he won’t live forever.