20 or more shooting victims reported in San Bernardino, CA. Police seeking active shooter

Let’s give gun control a try for 20 years and see how it works out. What do we have to lose but our guns?


I suspect we will find out more soon, but if the holiday party reports are accurate, which group rented the hall at the social services center for one? What group might draw three shooters?

Some narratives really want to leap out at me. I assume we will learn more after nexts of kin have. As it should be.


Ready. Fire! Aim.


CNN just said that that hasn’t been released yet. Sounds as if that might clear things up.

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I have a theory about why mentally unhinged people in the United States rarely commit mass murder with dynamite.

It’s a little out there, but it basically boils down to “because it’s not ridiculously easy for mentally unhinged people to buy high explosives.”


I agree and on that note, I’m opting out of the inevitable retread of every defense of doing anything but looking at firearm ownership that this thread will turn into.

See you next time (next week)!


So true. Obesity and related diseases should be a much bigger concern to most American’s than random wackos shooting people. Unfortunately, “too many people are too fat” doesn’t work for a network that needs breaking news!

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I agree that it seems more likely they were actually targeting the group that had rented the facility. Somehow it seems like it’d be even worse if they shot up the place because they got lost.


Their answer is inevitably, “Well, gosh, if only there were MORE guns… if everyone was armed… someone could have shot these guys easily before they caused any trouble, right? It’s so simple!”



Just reading a handful of wire story comments on yahoo… All the teatards and their ridiculous responses are even more reason why we need more gun controls like the rest of the civilized world.
In a just universe, these nuts would all have their guns confiscated…
But heck, we finally passed the mark in 2015 wherein people would say - “seems like it’s a daily occurrence.”

Wait for me!


Pretty sure they’re lost for this go round, better luck next regeneration

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I know that guy, John . . . somebody.

Whatsa matter, big boy? Can’t take the heat when the ammosexuals start whipping out their hot takes yet again?


And there weren’t that many who committed atrocities when dynamite was fairly easy to get. McVeigh showed that dynamite isn’t needed if you want to make a big explosion.

Per earlier comments, the UK, Australia, etc, didn’t have as high of a violent crime rate before their laws either.

But yes, yes, it’s easy to give up something you don’t care about. We could out law cauliflower and I wouldn’t care because I don’t eat it.

What do you care about? Privacy laws? Government spying? Secure internet? Cryptology? Gov. accessible back doors? Being able to board a plane with out being molested? Etc etc.[quote=“albill, post:106, topic:70123”]
I agree and on that note, I’m opting out of the inevitable retread of every defense of doing anything but looking at firearm ownership that this thread will turn into.

And the retread of every attack. If you actually look at firearm ownership, the percentage not hurting anyone is staggeringly high. But hey, continue to stereotype and lump a whole group of people together. It’s totally cool with minorities, Muslims, albinos - who ever!


Good one!



You’ve gone too far.

(I will save nuanced conversation for times I am not typing on my phone, and will likely screw up)

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Be happy he was not serious about the proposal. Otherwise he’d go the slippery slope (or boiling frog) way and gain popular support by first proposing to outlaw broccoli.