2022 Midterms



Angry Ufc GIF

Still. This is a heavily conservative district. It should have been a slam-dunk for her and it was not…


And a district that was recently re-districted in her favor too!


That too. The MAGA wing of the GOP STILL has some sway in the party, but the shine is starting to come off their star now. Let’s just hope that is FINALLY enough for the still pretty fashy, but slight less insane wing of the GOP to take back over. I still worry the damage they’ve been doing to our democracy is too deep to fix easily, though.


3% of 322000 is ~9600 votes and she’s only up by 1000. Still hope in those numbers.


Maybe they’ll all shoot off their guns in celebration and… :man_shrugging:


Facts haven’t made a dent in their thick heads just yet. Why would they start now?


So this is good.


The wtfs keep coming.


In Illinois you are prese ted with a long list of judges and asked simply “should such-and-such be retained as a Judge” and the options are yes or no. There is no information about affiliation. You have to go off memory.

There was one extreme candidate running for Illinois supreme court as (R), but was also on the ballot to be retained as a judge. I voted him down but I dont recall the outcome of that


This is another excellent reason for mail in ballots.

Me and the wife sat at the computer and filled out our ballot researching every candidate. School board candidates are the hardest but we managed to weed out the wackadoodles. Most wackadoodles love to spout their nonsense on Facebook.

My grandma used to vote by last name only. If the candidate were Polish they got her vote no matter what their position was.

I think that’s the purpose of all those signs, especially for local candidates, they just want you to remember their names.


Here to echo this: I sometimes miss the energizing effect of voting in person on the day, but I absolutely love being able to sit with my ballot in front of the computer and fill in my knowledge gaps.
This year there wasn’t anything major, but a bunch of odd school board motions on the ballot that I wouldn’t have known anything about if I hadn’t done absentee ballot.


We got a bunch of fliers for judicial retention and went with the one from the group we trusted the most.

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I went with the local Co Dems flyer for the down ballot stuff this year, but it is so hard and time consuming to research them like I would prefer to. It’s terrible because those down ballot people are, I think, the most critical to nurture or pinch of in the bud. They not only set the local agenda as far as local laws (city council, etc), how kids grow up thinking (school boards), how the community is policed (sheriffs and commissioners), how justice is applied (judges), and it’s the pipeline for all of the higher state and federal offices. Yet the media focus is always state and national since the death of local newspapers (which were never great at this either, but better).

The GQP has been focusing on the local level to entrench themselves and their poison, so this is a really critical resource to be without.


This year I left the judge elections blank because jfc once again we had a choice just between one prosecutor and another. The judiciary is so lopsided it’s disgusting and I’m tired of participating in that particular charade.


We seem to have lucked out on this, where we live (a very blue-voting area). There were 2 candidates for the school board seat assigned to our district, and both of them were outside the early voting site when we went. They were both delivering their spiel to us at the same time. One was head of the PTA at a nearby school & the other had actually taught & had some kind of involvement in the DoE during the Obama administration. Both seemed clearly & deeply invested in good outcomes for all involved. As we walked in to go vote, I told my wife that we could probably go either way on that one & still be ok. (The latter candidate won)


We got 2 of those flyers, both endorsing the same Dem candidates, except for that school board seat ‐ each flyer went with one or the other. (One was really opaque about who’d sent/paid for it though.)


There may have been a year or two when I did not have time to do the research and just voted against all of the judges…


Another nice “land vs people” map


Here’s a good one showing metropolitan areas and population density to drive home the point.