Very compelling article.
Compelling indeed.
I don’t know if she ever got to this point in that long piece, but it spells out a reason I knew Obama was in trouble way back when his presidency first started – all those efforts to “reach across the aisle,” as if Repubs in general act in good faith. That attitude demonstrated an alarming naivete. And he and his First Lady have kept it up, with that “When they go low we go high” crap, and all that palling around with and hugging War Criminal Bush.
And now we have a good chance of the Dems nominating another spouter of such conciliatory shite, Joe Biden. < insert covering_my_eyes gif >
I prefer Mona Eltahawy’s philosophy:
Here’s the original clip, which is always worth reposting:
Meither neither. But still…
Chest pains are being speculated.
While some say anxiety, with the fucking teflon this guy is made out of when it comes to facing consequences, we’re probably stuck with the reality that it’s just gas.
Is it ever anything else when it comes to the bloviator in chief?
I love how this effectively neuters any, “I have a right to be heard / due process / deck is stacked” arguments. Just like the “this is a sham because there was no vote!” they just went ahead and did it to remove the distraction, and then after the “sham secret depositions!” they started public testimony. The R’s just can’t do anything other than keep moving the goalposts.
I don’t think even Trump is dumb enough to take up this offer. But that would be something to behold. He’d be exposed as the incompetent idiot he is, and if he got caught in a lie, that would be even better.
But no, he won’t do this. He’ll just keep screaming about his victimhood, woe is me, fake sham impeachment scam, witch hunt, etc while his boot licking supporters will just keep moving the goalposts and exposing their own hypocrisy.
We have heard this one before with Mueller interviews.
How it is a “perjury trap”, and how he will get caught in some inconsequential lie about the weather.
Boy remember that inconsequential and accident misspeak Bill Clinton got impeached over?
They clearly don’t even know what a perjury trap actually is (and to be fair it’s a complicated concept, and has almost never been successfully appealed), but there’s no trap and no perjury if you just, you know, tell the truth to the best of your recollection. Clearly Trump and his people have trouble with this.
It’s worse. He slit the throat of a 15 y.o. unarmed, wounded boy while he was in the hospital receiving treatment as a prisoner. Why? He wanted to try out a new knife.
I would be genuinely curious to hear him summarize the movie and its plot. I’m guessing he liked the part when the clown shot people and was busy tweeting the rest of the time.
Most Annoying Movie Partner EVER.
Apparently he chatters and babbles constantly when with other people. Likely during movies too. Since everyone is a subordinate to him now, there’s probably no one who would feel free to say, For fuck’s sake, can’t you at least shut up for awhile during a movie?!
“I really like his make-up guy, it’s alittle pale for me but I know talent and I’m the best at knowing talent…(rambling continues)…”