šŸ–• šŸŠ šŸ¤” A Continuing Round-Up of Trumpian Events šŸ–• šŸŠ šŸ¤”

People are going to be peeing on Trumpā€™s grave for generations.


Make Urination Great Again!



Youā€™re still thinking too logically about all this. Conservatives hate whatever their opponents like, even if that means abandoning their own positions to attack them. Itā€™s why ā€œrolling coalā€ is a concept that exists despite Republicans being the majority party that created the EPA. Itā€™s why theyā€™ve spent the last decade so completely fucked on what to do about health care: ā€œObamacareā€ was literally the Republicansā€™ pro-market employer-insurance-providing plan. But because Obama was the one proposing it, it had to be attacked and destroyed. So now they have nowhere to go, because their own plan for fixing things was already not going to be as effective as it needed to be, and thereā€™s literally nothing available thatā€™s further right besides ā€œsend peopleā€™s paychecks directly to insurance company CEOsā€.

So yeah, youā€™d think conservatives would be all about trying to tear down Thanksgiving as a metrosexual pussy holiday for weaklings who donā€™t know what it means to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, but because the liberals supposedly got there first (with environmentalism of all things!), it must be reflexively defended.

There is no consistent conservative ideology in the US beyond ā€œdoing X to own the libsā€ anymore.


Oh, donā€™t get me wrong. Tā€™giving is my favorite holiday. It is the last one not commercialized out of recognition, still seems most focused on family and fellowship. I love those elements. But when asked about ā€œwhat could be controversialā€ my answer is as I stated. And yes, absolutely, it can be both. I think (a dangerous habit, itā€™s true) this is the right wing issue, other than just they need something to be outraged about or they will start to think, that we are not emphasizing the religious (never was a religious holiday, but why let facts get in the way) and the genocidal aspects and instead focusing on the global community and family relationships (where that can be done.) I donā€™t think we are disagreeing, I just have a tendency to overthink and get into the weeds a bit. :slightly_smiling_face:


Funny because Native Americans had to teach the pilgrims how to farm the land etc. The Indians had to pull up the pilgrimā€™s boots for them.


Shhh, shhh, I canā€™t hear you over all of the manifest destinying.



Oh joy.


So here is the Vox take on this manufactoversy. Oh, and Trump is an idiot.


I think the first proclamation by Washington was for winning the battle of Saratoga - and the Spanish had thansgivings in the 1500ā€™s - Virgiana had non Pilgrim thingies too.

But - hell yes - erase that Pilgrim bullshit and have a newly minted general day of thansgiving

edit: but keep the food the same!


Yeah, the origins are misty, contradictory and not well know nor understood. Most of us know it from stupid ā€œwise pilgrim and ignorant savageā€ school plays and dumb storybooks. As I said, the simple, family gathering and sharing a meal and stories over the table vibe makes this easily my favorite holiday, but stripping out the colonizer / savage mentality should have happened a long time ago.


I thought she was dead.

Or maybe that was hopedā€¦


I actually always got the opposite impression, that the natives were the wise ones who saved the idiot pilgrims from starvation and death over the winter by lending them food and teaching them how to grow corn because the European crops wouldnā€™t grow.

(This is of course shortly followed in history class by stories of natives selling Manhattan Island for a handful of beads because lol they didnā€™t understand capitalism or private land ownership, the fools, so itā€™s not like the ā€œwise nativesā€ narrative had much staying power overall.)


Narrator: As it turns out, this was a mistake.


It was a weird secular copy of Christmas, which has always had these same themes of thankfulness and families getting together for a meal

Surely we all see itā€™s odd there are two different holidays where weā€™re supposed to travel long distances to get together with family that are only a month apart


Not ā€˜oddā€™ at all, when you factor in capitalism & unchecked greed


The stories we were fed were an odd mix of the Natives teaching the pilgrims how to grow food and not die, blended with this weird subservient imagery of them bringing men in buckle-hats food. Thereā€™s contemporary accounts of the Natives and pilgrims sharing a three-day feast. But our history classes sort of glossed over the fact that the settlers were ultra-conservative Puritans who were fleeing Europe because it was too liberal for their tastes and squatting on Native land, which they took by force.

Pilgrim/Indian imagery has pretty much faded out from Thanksgiving decorations these days, from what Iā€™ve noticed.


Oh, and back to the original topicā€¦ if you wondered what sort of inspirational message the President wishes to share for Thanksgivingā€¦


I donā€™t really see this. Youā€™ve got celebrating the birth of Christ and celebrating the harvest. Doesnā€™t the similarity arise from the fact that we just celebrate holidays by getting together with family?

(Also, sensible countries have Thanksgiving in October)


Oh God, you really need to blur that. Some of us are at work! NSFW!!