Donald Trump: Useful Idiot.
I don’t think sexual exploit kompromat would bother him at all (unless it was with a man or boy). But proof his wealth is ill gotten or not what he claims it to be would deeply concern him.
Thanks for proving my point.
Watched. Wow.
It would be very interesting to see where Mitch McConnell’s money comes from. He done his best to harm the country’s best interests and needs going back at least as farm Obama’s election. Only one of many I’m sure but he has had a position that allowed him to cause great harm and he has done that for years.
Considering Trump’s inability to tell a simple truth, if he said “Yes”, would you believe him?
(or “Да”…)
it just happened, and 45 didn’t say no.
If the FBI was known to be formally investigating me for a crime and I was publicly asked if I committed that crime I think I’d want to go on record with a “no, I didn’t” instead of “what a silly and inappropriate question!”
Or at least “my lawyer has advised me to not to answer any questions.”
what would Rudy advise?
A distinction without a difference in this fucker’s case.
Eating worms, because they are “brain food.”
I think we all need to agree as a nation to go with:
“Trump isn’t smart enough to be a russian agent, he wouldn’t be any good at it. They wouldn’t even want him, he wouldn’t have anything to offer them.”
we will have a full confession on twitter that very night.
Have three…
ETA: Except I now see you meant Russian money passing via DB to Trump rather than generic money laundering. Never mind…
No problem. It is more support of the general troubled nature of this bank. As with Wells Fargo, it started doing risky and shady things when under duress. Like lending money to a notorious confidence artist when other Western banks wouldn’t.
It’s the classic adulterer’s dodge, which explains why it irlled off the tongue so handily.
When his actions and policies benefits Russia and harms Americans, does it matter if he is actually working for Russia when the end result is the same whether he is or he isn’t?
no meliz you have to let sam vent because this is all overwhelming. tRump supporters and many others truly perceive hx thru such vision impairments. don’t walk away
i’m for a whole new election asap
Yes. It’s a textbook example of gaslighting, implying that the person asking the question is crazy because she asked it.