Alabama cop body slams elderly man to ground, paralyzes him

I know next to nothing about the immigrant population of the U.S. but, here in the UK, even though our fuzz are also cunts, most stations have access to a team of on-call interpreters (at least they used to, many forces have had their budgets slashed, so it might have been one of the first things to go). In the States the arrogant assumption by the plod appears to be that everyone speaks fluent English so, if they don’t respond to an officer’s order, then they must be deliberately disobeying - shoot first, and all that. If it’s later discovered that the reason they didn’t comply was that they didn’t understand, then it’s STILL their fault for being foreign - probably makes it doubly their fault. The officer even ACKNOWLEDGED Mr. Patel didn’t speak English (or American as I prefer to call it).

As much as I HATE our plod with a passion, the list of people injured or killed isn’t nearly half as extensive as that of the U.S.

Do I think it unreasonable of an English-speaking country to expect immigrants to learn rudimentary English? No, but I expect to be told to learn the local lingo if I moved to somewhere where English wasn’t an official language. In most cases I’d struggle (I’m trying to improve my German at the mo, and let’s just say it ain’t going too well. I listen to a lot of German bands and I’d like to be about to understand the lyrics).

It’s almost as though there’s an inherent paranoia in US plod, as though they’re trained to believe that if they don’t shoot first, then the alleged offender will. I hate the phrase ‘lawful killing’ - whoops, sorry, I mean ‘justifiable homicide’; it’s oxymoronic for a start - and it gives the police a get out of jail card. If they’re that paranoid about being murdered, then wear Kevlar! Here in the UK, a gun is NOT standard police issue, we have armed response units (ARUs) and even THEY get deployed far too readily, in my opinion. Boris is now even calling for water cannon (coz he’s Tory and Tories don’t like protesters (aka people who aren’t Tories).

Bottom line is US plod should quit being so fucking arrogant and hire interpreters. I’m sure there’ll now be a show trial, and this cunt will get off anyways. It’s Alabama, I’d stake quite a large sum on it.


This Sunday Rudy Giuliani will be on “Meet The Press”, proclaiming the officer as a national hero.


Except for the cop rolling up everyone in this video needs to be fired.


The former cop also sweeps the victim’s legs out from under him before pushing.


in the UK […] most stations have access to a team of on-call interpreters

My impression from out here in Australia is that some US police forces are often small organisations established by local government with little access to services which you might expect to have access to at a state or federal level.


Because (Big) Government is bad juju in the US.

Except when their executive arm routinely kills it’s own citizens without repercussions - that’s seemingly A-OK for the average USian ('cause they haven’t stopped it yet). But - God Beware - it’s trying to do something worthwhile like saving lifes (socialized healthcare or vaccinations) … that’s communism, boy!.


Any municipality, once it becomes “incorporated” can form a Police Department. Which means there are plenty Police Departments that serve a tiny population (e.g. less than 5000) and may have fewer than ten full-time employees.

tl;dr I agree with you.

It is the officers duty to assess the situation and not take the call at face value.



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The guy is already fucking paralyzed and now you want him to get fired too?




Oops, my mistake. I thought you were black. :sweat_smile:


Thank you for the links.

That dash cam shows non-stop stupidity for 10 minutes. They did nothing right. Nothing.

  • Older man walking slowly but in a straight line down a sidewalk during a normal time of day;

  • Not veering into any driveways or walkways towards any homes;

  • Never responds to them in English (other than the one word “India”, which should have been a giveaway), but for 10 straight minutes they keep repeating “do you understand me?” anyway;

  • The sudden take-down was shocking to witness, and obviously would have hurt ANYONE, to say nothing of a older person who has their arms handcuffed behind them;

  • They kept trying to force him to stand up, and no matter how many times they did that, and he couldn’t, they’d just do it again and again, ensuring medical damage.

As far as I’m concerned, anyone who watches that video and finds any excuse to blame the victim should be incarcerated for the protection of society.


Get off my lawn here does not appear to refer to the injured man. Rather the author is saying if 57 is old then I am old and so I must use the phrase commonly associated with the old “You kids get off my lawn!”

Stupid hat? Stupid until it gets cold enough to need one, then let’s see. What is your preferred cold weather hat?

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I would say the innocent man who is now paralyzed is also paying considerably.

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Hmm. Does that mean I have to learn Navaho?


Очевидно нет.

At least for this fucking cop, who only seems to have a strong grasp on how to beat a restrained captive.

Which is probably where this asshole cop will end up - working in some podunk municipal PD where he can still be “teh big man”.


Haven’t watched the vid, but wondered if the poor man was wearing a turban and that’s what the caller referred to as a ‘toboggan’. Although from what the commenter (@digitalcajun) upthread said, probably not.

Edited to add commenter’s name.

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