Amy Klobuchar quits Democratic race

Sufficient control of the senate to allow single-party impeachments is out of reach for either party for the foreseeable future.

meanwhile, in Texas:


15 is probably too many, but I am no longer anywhere near as opposed to the idea of packing the Court as I was before Mitch McConnell turned a three-seat Senate majority into the end of all Democratic priorities forever.


i was replying to the idea that bloomberg would be helpful to other people who are running as democrats.

i think that’s not a safe assumption based on his own established track record.

for what it’s worth:

i completely understand people being scared of another four years of trump.

while, i’d argue bush jr was the worst president of the modern era, 45 is by far the most dangerous one for sure. his unmaking of government agencies, the weaponzing of white supremacists, and the remaking of the judiciary are going to hurt for a long time coming.

the thing is: those are all also republican goals, not just trumpist ones. ( it’s 45s method of accomplishing those goals that give people the most pause. but the goals are all still terrible. ) bloomberg is a republican. and there’s no evidence that’s changed.

i get people who will vote for literally anyone other than trump. i’m not going to fault them/you.

i just don’t think trump is the be all and end all of problems in america, and i don’t see bloomberg as doing much of anything to fix those things.


I’d upvote you, but that is just too fucking depressing.


just getting back close to where we were 4 years ago would be step in the right direction.

Four year another Trump like figure will emerge. How will Bloomberg stop another populist promising change?

In his 4 years of office will he confront the Republican on their continued efforts to rat fuck our elections?

Bloomberg can’t address our problems as he is part of them.


More toxic swag to destroy African economies.


Trump is only a symptom of the rot at the center of the Republican party–but, like a midbrain tumor that metastasizes from a skin cancer–he’s a deadly symptom.

We’ve already eliminated all the arguably okay Democratic options (with the exception of Warren, who is a gasp and a prayer away from washing out tomorrow). Even including Warren, this race will produce the oldest president ever elected no matter who wins. That is a huge problem in itself.

Biden is a pretty bad option; Bloomberg is a worse one. In my view, Bernie’s worse than both; we clearly disagree on that point. Regardless, one of them is going to get my vote in November.

Trump is cancer. Not voting for the alternative, however bad, is voting for cancer.

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So if Bloomberg is Democratic candidate, you wouldn’t vote for him in November?

correct. i wont vote for him.

this is slightly easier for me to say than it would be for other people. i live in a state where my vote in the general won’t sway anything anyway, so i have zero reason to give him a popular mandate.

even if i lived elsewhere though. he’d have to do a lot of work to convince me. and i mean a &#* of a lot.

biden, whom i’m not ecstatic about: i would pull the lever faster than you can say … ( see, didn’t even have time to figure out what word to say. )


i’m okay with the olds. though i definitely wish some of the other candidates could have gotten more traction. harris is a better amy. booker a better pete. castro potentially was better than all those.

despite obama’s wins, elections are still a very white oriented power structure.


Unfortunately, lack of funds doomed the candidates who dropped out for the most part. You will not see that with Bloomberg.


That’s a pretty dangerous game to play. True, your singular vote may not sway anything but what if tens of thousands or more start thinking the same thing? Trump eeked out an electoral college victory with incredibly slim margins in 2016. In some swing states by just a few thousand votes. The stakes are just too damn high to concede any votes to Trump out of seeking perfection in a candidate.

Bloomberg sucks for sure and I hope he doesn’t come out on top in the primary, but he’s still a million times better than Trump.


If, as seems likely, Bernie wins the nomination, I could throw a tantrum and refuse to pull the lever for him on election day because I live in D.C., where the candidate with the (D) after his or her name is guaranteed 90% of the vote. I won’t do that, though, despite my conviction that he would be the second worst President this century and the worst the Democrats have put in office since Reconstruction, and despite the fact that I will then cheerfully start donating to whoever promises to primary him in 2024.

The single most important step for any and all left-of-center policy goals is removing Trump from office in November. Other things would be nice to have, but that is the sine qua non. The order of operations HAS to be 1) Beat Trump, and then and only then 2) work to primary (or, hell, impeach) the guy who beats him if you don’t like that guy.

No individual vote ever matters, until one unexpectedly does. Don’t be that guy nonvoter. [[EDITED FOR CLARITY.]]


Or at least as soon as the elections are held. There’s a non-zero chance that they will be postpwned due to public health concerns…

Quitters hat trick!

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you’re verging into personal attack territory. frankly, i’ll be the best me i can be, so let’s leave that at that.

i’m trying to point out people have real serious issues with bloomberg. and as a result he’s not an electable candidate.

i won’t vote for him, and other people likely feel the same

i respect that other people, should he win the nomination, might feel different. please do the same.


I am sad that some of the dropouts are now dropouts, though I think their energy, ideas and experience bode well for the future of the Democratic Party. They will be back.

In the meantime, as many above have indicated, once the D nominee is decided (by the voters, or more likely by the superdelegates) it has to be ALL IN for that nominee. If if that person isn’t MY favorite, they are who needs to be elected in November.

Right now I think Biden is far too right wing for my preference. But if he gets the nomination (through honesty or deceit), even the most left wing progressive Sanders or Warren supporters need to step up and help elect him.


But, man, you HAVE.

This is taken out of context, right? I see it all over right wing media but not anywhere else, and the way it cuts off I assume he was trying to make some point.
ETA: …in his weird Biden way

I’m really, really tired of 70+ years olds running things.