Audio of JD Vance being racist and attacking women's rights

Every time I see a portrait of him, like at the top of this post, I am taken aback by it, because he looks quite a bit like me, and I don’t like that one bit.


So, what he was saying is that black women, specifically, should be prevented from making choices about their bodies. Got it, JD.


Part of the general attempt by the GOP to shield corporations from accountability. Purdue Pharma had nothing to do with her addiction, nosiree.


FWIW Comedy Central did a whole segment on how Wasilla is a strip-mall suburb of Anchorage

I can’t find the whole thing but this is a clip


He’s a sitting US Senator, bestselling author of a book that got heavily trotted out to try and explain why the “white working class” was Trump’s key appeal. (Yes, I know that the data doesn’t match, but it was a critical part of the narrative.) The GOP political machine has been grooming this guy for over half a decade.

He’s not a popular household name, but neither is Jamaal Bowman. If you’re a mild political hobbyist, you’re familiar with JD Vance, as he’s been trotted out for years as a “smart Republica” who understands things. He’s about the closest alt-right celebrity they have to being a policy wonk. Unlike MTG and Boebert, he can read and write coherently.

It’s a bit like the automatic spit-take that happened when Pence was chosen in the last cycle because he’d “be the adult in the room” despite disastrous tenure as a governor and a history as a right-wing radio shock jock.


One of those is the VP candidate…

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


Pence was a shock jock? Well, knock me over with an Indiana corn cob. That’s hard to imagine with someone who always struck me as the personification of an adjective, “boring.” I’m surprised Clinton’s team didn’t dig up archived recordings to use against him.


He seems more like a mild-alarm jock, a Mike with a mic.

The old cassettes that explain Mike Pence


Thanks for saving me the trouble! Reminds me of Vance’s old blogs, full of little more than milquetoast milk and toast.


You up for some Prince and the Pauper style shenanigans? We can swap you in and you can lean into couch love as a central tenet of Trump’s conservatism. No pressure, but it would potentially save US democracy.


what sources do you read/watch to hear these thing?

i actually worked in policy for a spell, and i hadn’t read much of anything of him.

then again, i have a few news sites i look at, a twitter list to magic up what the neoliberals think is interesting, and of course… this space.

(no cable tv news, no talk radio, just chapo, trueanon, NPR, and constantly alternating between the guardian and al jazeera when not driving trollies richard nixon on twitter)

mike pence was discussed though. he did things. terrible things like anti gay legislation and causing an aids epidemic.

jd vance… wrote a book about being a troop and may have fucked a couch? (my gut says sounds like more of a dartmouth thing in my experience)

i don’t want this to descend from a discussion to an argument, but i’m going to stand by my initial assessment he’s a nobody who was repeatedly and artificially boosted. most ppl don’t know who their senator is let alone other ones, and the google trends from earlier show despite his big boy book he was rarely googled


Pure anecdote but of my friends and family I was the only one that knew who he was from anywhere and I couldn’t remember until some one mentioned the book name. Others had either missed him originally or forgotten about him completely. :woman_shrugging:


I’d heard a lot about the shillbilly when his book came out, but that’s because many in the circles in which I circulate still read books (and even talk to each other about them!). He popped up into our mini-collective consciousness again when he became a senator and we were like, “Wow, an author became a senator! Sure to be one to watch out for, in a bad way though, since his book is such a large load of conservative horseshit.”

So yeah, granted, he was a nobody to most somebodies, but he had attained a modicum of notoriety amidst some chattering classes.


13 posts were split to a new topic: Work ethic and the military industrial complex

I don’t know whether I could do a worse job than he does already


I heard a lot about him on Election Profit Makers. They even took out a billboard against him when he ran for senate.



Idaho is also pretty rural for the most part, and I say that as an Oregonian in a very red rural county. I’m old enough that I remember Lars Larson when he was considered a regular anchor person on the local news, before he became our Dollar Store Rush Limbaugh.


“I love her so much that I’m willing to subject her to racist rhetoric as I claw my way to power…” /s