Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 5 - Severance

That’s usurious, I only asked for token, so some of it back to you. Glad you survived to fight another day. Now if I can only survive the hangover from those nasty tasting healing potions @OtherMichael offered me. Aren’t they supposed to make me feel better instead of worse?

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give @bizmail_public b242.8000

Browf made a proposal - lend him 77b or 177b, name your terms :slight_smile: 10%?


b160.7 Opening Balance
+b45.0 Loan repayment from @OtherMichael
+b10.0 Loan repayment from @monkeyoh
-b4.0 Refund of loan overpayment to @monkeyoh
-b10.0 Loan to @rkt88edmo
-b27.0 Loan to @Glutnix
-b20.0 Hull repairs (10 HP)
-b20.0 Hull repairs (10 HP)
-b50.0 Billiken (8 LK)
-b30.0 Hull Plating (4 SH)
-b10.0 Mission 2 - Hats, Hats, Hats
b44.7 Closing Balance


No takers of any casks of honeywine??

The mimnum I probably need and return your investment would be b120, this would allow one hull repair and the mission fee. I expect to net b280 from Mission 1.

Anyone willing to lend me the b120 can expect b160 in return. An additional b50 for the purchase of a lucky charm would return b60. I’ll have to put my dreams a dual billiken dash on hold.

I understand that b120 is a large sum to part with, but I hope that I have supplied reward to entice someone to take the risk. If two pilots were willing to split b60 each, the risk would be reduced further.


You can’t do Mission 1 and get repairs/go shopping.

So you need cash for the mission (and probably) cash to pay off Unizone.

~goes to look up what a Billiken is~

A doll? A doll? I just paid 50 stellar simoleons for a doll? By the whiskers of Asbarth, that better be a pretty #&%*!ng lucky doll!

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I’ve got money to lend this turn, but I’m not sure you can get repairs before Mission 1. Want a loan of the fee for Mission 2?

Dear Mr Slider, SLA. @patrace

First, thank you for your efforts sorting out this confusing matter. The attention of a highly skilled professional such as yourself does not come cheaply, nor should it. We are deeply grateful for your pro bono contribution.

I agree with the chronology you report; your documentation is impeccable. However, I am still deeply confused by the outcome.

@ratel did choose an Ella mission, and the Community Bank did remit funds to Ella for a Mission, albeit a less-expensive mission than Captain Malchance wanted.

Thus, The Entropy was in line at Ella’s docks. The confusion wasn’t if Capt. Malchance was doing a mission for Ella, it was which one.

Ella runs a tight, careful, by-the-books operation. She doesn’t finance missions, and she would never sign a Common Carrier Contract when the Bill of Lading didn’t match the Manifest.

So of course The Entropy was put last in line for a retrofit while we frantically tried to straightened out the paper work and money transfers. As the other captains left on their Missions, The Entropy was trapped in the gaps of our informal communications protocols and unorthodox banking methods. In the end, no parcel from Ella meant no mission. ouch…

But how the devil did Unizone fly a retrofitted ship out of Ella’s dock?

The would require, at the very least, a Unizone mole deep in Ella’s operation. Or is Ella still under the control of Unizone? We all know her history.

Given the documentary record, I see three possibilities:

  1. Confused, contradictory battle reports are still trickling in. In fact The Entropy spent the mission at the dock, did NOT receive -35 HP dammage, is free of Unzione malware, has zero balance, but owes b17 to the community bank. In this case, Capatin Malchance will be treated graciously by the Community Bank, as the mistake was ours, not his.

  2. Capt. Jacques Malchance was betrayed by someone in Ella’s organization, The Entropy is still de facto controlled by Unizone, and the current mission summary stands. The existence of a Unizone mole within Ella’s organization is a fact I am certain your boss would find most interesting, if true.

  3. Something truly weird.

Thank you again for your substantial efforts on our behalf. We will do better in the future. We have already streamlined our procedures.

Sincerely Yours,

David Falkayn
Captain, Muddlin’ Through
Trade Representative, Polesotechnic League.


Capt. Mackey – sorry to hear of your recent troubles. I am a bit… surprised at the actions you have taken, however. As are the broadsheets in this unwashed neck of space:

<img src="//" width=“384” height=“500” "title=“Capt. Mackey AIRS his grievance: ‘Where is my hat, you molting poltroon! Thou art in BREECH of contract!’”>

You do cut quite the caper, you audacious fellow. Quite the caper.


If spacebits were measured in Satoshi Unizone would still never even get that amount from me!

Thank you for pointing out the nature of no repair.

I’m still on for Mission 1 - There certainly is a risk that I will get blown to bits.

I will change my will to include you the entire remainder of my ship and salvageable parts if I do not survive, otherwise I will still repay b140 for a loan of 100.

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Curse You, Lt. Rockford. You know I keep my SpaceBit card in my sock drawer!

We’re ZepEx Express! We’re duty bound to take the Long Haul mission and now we’ll be dancing with Lady Luck to survive the mission.

Long Haul Mission


5x b20 - Hull Repairs (10 HP)
1x b50 - Billiken (8 LK)
2x b20 - Scan Scrambler (2 ST)

1x b10 Misson 2 - Hats, Hats, Hats


To put it mildly… You can ask the bank but without paying off Unizone it’s high risk. Are you sure Mission 2 and killing your drone doesn’t work better?

+---------- Ship ----------+-- HP ---+- FP -+- SH -+- EN -+- ST -+- LK -+- GRIT -+
| Not Worthy               | 40/99   |  32  |  28  |  30  |  25  |  26  |   3    |

@bizmail_public and any and all other members of the I.A.N. M Bank communal collective group:

With a balance of b105.7, and projected purchases of Repairs (2xb20), Hull Plating (b30) and signing up for Mission 2 (b10), I have b25.7 remaining.

Either I put myself up for a loan of b4.3 to purchase some more EN, or I have b25.7 to contribute to the community initiatives.

I would certainly hope we are pooling our resources to protect our fellow Captains as they shake of the automated shoot-to-kill shackles of the Great Oppressor, Unizone (curses, cursed be its name! Today and forever onwards!). It would be a great loss if ships such as the trigger-happy Kanji were to be stricken from our ranks, to appear but in the list of our fallen heroes.

In the further interests of furthering our mutual interests mutually, I am open to genteel discussions on both mission selection, purchases, and the art of imbibing smoke*. While is is a sad fact that Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth, it remains a truism that A Diversity of Vomit makes for Golden Honey.

* My ship would like to make it known that keeping me away from gin is a good idea. And that he is likely to blast apart any bar that presumes to serve me such a beverage again. Apparently his nano-stores were severely depleted getting that toxic brew out of my system. No besmirching Duck’s good name intended.


[Une ruche divisée contre elle-même ne peut pas voler.]



So much honeywine, so hard to see straight - thank you for looking after me…

Note to Ella’s mechanics - please be sure to remove all traces of Unizone control override devices and software. I’d hate to lose control of my ship and have Don Mondo thinking I’ve taken liberties with his hat deliveries, particularly when I would like to entreaty with him over a barrel or two of honeywine.

Mission orders for Awesomating Overthruster:
+b10 transfer from @Old
+b50 transfer from community bank @bizmail_public
-b50 | Billiken (+8 LK)
+8 LK (purchase of Billiken)
+2FP (not credited from purchase in round 3, total FP s/b 24)
-b10 | Mission 2 Hats, Hats, Hats

sined -=- sealed -=- delivered

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“We run your higher functions, so you don’t have to.”


From: Captain Mrs. Richard Basehart of the S.O.L. Jr., CEO of ConGypsCo (as far as I know, for now)

A brief note to any Captains going to the Unizone cube farm…

Watch out for these:

Seriously. You do NOT want to touch these things. AT ALL.

I don’t know exactly what the heck Unizone is up to, but the guys they hired to work on these cubes are total jerks. Ugh, don’t even get me started on their personal grooming habits.

On a side note, after I sit down with my first mate (and the accountants, of course) and we figure out what repairs we need/what mission we can survive, I’ll see whether we can contribute to the community bank. Stay tuned.

*Joel, can you roll a keg of the good stuff into the aft conference room? Once the meeting is done, we can head over to Duck's and drain a couple more kegs over there.*

My friend Sir Patrick intends to reimburse the community bank on my behalf for my loan, but beyond that we haven’t figured out any sort of course of action. No way are we paying off Unizone, though. It’s the principle of the thing (there’s a pun in there somewhere). Plus I’d be embarrassed since I declared last time I wasn’t going to pay.


As an aside, I’m amused that the round with the built-in delay is also the week with a mission for which there is no time to prepare.

Right, well then, I’m seriously looking at mission 1, though I wish had a handful more hull points before signing on for the Long Haul. I’ll probably still go for it, I haven’t really noticed anyone getting hit for the max yet, but maybe I’m just pushing my luck… Anyway, it seems like the fastest ships should make the longer runs, no?

Should I continue in that vein and if an interesting proposal came my way, I’d consider an investment of my remaining funds…