Badass Space Dragon 2.0 - Round 5 - Severance

Community Banking Status

As best as I can determine, here are the pending requests:

@glutnix requests b77 but would prefer b177
@OtherMichael requests b4.3 for mission 2
@uphill requests b50.0 for mission 2
@rkt88edmo appears to have gotten a loan from old. But we are still willing to entertain a request.
I request for b33.6 for mission 1
@ratel is in a pickle because of my error; we stand by to correct this as we are best able, and await a proposal

With the recent contributions of b40.0 from @Demiurgus and b16.0 from @PromptedInk, the Community Bank Balance rose to b298.8

The board has approved three loans so far:

transfer b4.3 to @OtherMichael, for repayment of b4.7 on next round
transfer b50.0 to @uphill for repayment of b55.0 on next round
transfer b33.6 to my personal account for repayment 43.7 on next round (30% interest rate due to 1-in-4 risk of dying)

The current Community Fund balance is b210.9

@Glutnix Captain Browf: the board has already approved b50.0 of your loan. We are inclined to fund b77, but we want to give time for other requests before approving such a large amount. We do not anticipate being able to fund b177.

The Bank is open and liquid. The board has expressed a specific interest in supporting @Glutnix, @rkt88edmo, @newliminted and @Felipe_Budinich so that they can survive the drones and take mission 2.

Self-Interested Cooperation Is The Basis For All Success


Thank you for the large contribution. You’re on the board.

At this time, I am only accepting b16.0 of your (additional) contribution. I strongly encourage you to buy the Billikan (+8 LK) for b50.0, as that is a great deal. Please consider modifying your orders.



Approved. – Falkayn.

approved. --Falkayn


Does this mean that mission selections are due on Thursday, March 26 or Thursday, April 2?

If a deadline has been posted, I have not been able to find it.

Have fun. And all along I thought “Patrace” was your first name - some sort of variant on Patrick. Have fun!

Also, for anybody else that has failed to look at Pat Race’s profile:




So, before the last mission I had b23 and 56 hp. What might have happened?

Scenario 1
If I had intentionally chosen Mission 1 I could have spent b20 on a Nano Patch Goop Bucket and healed 25 hp. So I would have “lost” 10 hp, and ended up with 46 hp and b8.

Scenario 2
If I had been loaned b17 and had my b23 returned, then I would have qualified for Mission 3, but would have had no hp upgrade. I don’t know how FP/EN/SH factor into mitigating damage: but assuming I survived, I would have lost over 40 hp, but had b181.3 (subtracting the loan+interest) with which to repair it. Let’s say I lost 50, which would be pretty much as much as I could lose without dying: bringing me up to only being down 10 hp would cost me b80. So 46 hp and b101.3.

Scenario 3 (Real Life™)
The bank error had me losing 35hp and coming out with b22, with me owing the Bank something (I think it was computed at 18.7) and the Bank owing me b23…also + interest? Let’s call it even and say that the b17 comes out of the b23, and I get b6 out to square everything. So I have b28. To get me down to only “losing” 10hp would cost me (if increments were allowed) b50. So that’s 46 hp and -b22.

It’s complicated to compare scenarios:

Scenario 1 has me in much better shape, but now unable to afford an Ella mission (I could, if I was brave, ask for a loan…).

Scenario 2 has me in much better shape physically and financially…but we cannot just dismiss the likelihood of not actually returning from it. The average damage would be 60 – lethal. I don’t know how much ship stats would cut in to that, but even if they did, there’s always a chance the damage would be higher (I’m guessing these figures are partly random, partly computed). However, had I taken survivable damage, I’d be ~b100 richer.

Scenario 3 has me at a significant damage+money disadvantage to the others, but technically I can forego ship repairs and pay for Mission 2 and expect to survive with minimal (~b10) damage. While I might have had a modest wad to use on upgrades (which I am now seriously behind on), I’m alive, and can stand on my own two feet, for the moment. I’m assuming that basically all money that comes from this mission will go into building hp back up to, well, half.

I wouldn’t say no to some money to help out with some repairs, unless that money was needed in a loan to help another captain in worse shape than myself. I can certainly stumble on, for now. And all the holes in the bridge have certainly improved visibility, if left things a little drafty and un-oxygeny on deck.


Hey, Lazlo (@messana), we should hoist one and chat. Rumchata?

So THE DEADLINE FOR MISSION SELECTIONS / LOCK-IN IS ON MONDAY MARCH 30, 10am AKST, 11am PST for those of you prone to searching for keywords. Make your purchases wisely!

Also: thanks.


Or don’t, go be your own thing, butterfly!


I would need an additional b90 to take on Mission 1, which I have resigned myself that risk is too great given my piloting skills will probably still be sub par under the honeywine haze.

I would be very pleased to take out a b50 loan for a billiken though (my outstanding bank debt is at 3.6) and will be able to make full repayment on completing this mission 2 with a highly unlikely chance of my demise.

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First, you have a zero balance at the Community Bank. The paper work got botched, no reason you should be one the hook for the loan never effectively got to you.

Second, you’re first in line. You @Ratel have a pre-approved credit line of up to b50.0, payable next round with no interest with a single caveat: please choose a mission you will survive. Please let us know how much you expect to draw down so that we know how much is available for other captains.


transfer b50.0 to @rkt88edmo

Captain Rkt88 Edmo started with a balance b9.5 at the Community Bank. The second b5.0 disbursement of the loan apparently did not arrive. Canceling the principal and interest leads to a balance of b9.5 - b5.0 - b0.5 = b4.5 b4.0,

The Awesomating Overthruster now has a balance of b54.0 at the community bank. A repayment of b59.4 is expected at the start of the next round.

The current Community Fund balance is b160.9,

Jacques Malchance @ratel has been approved for up to b50.0.

Capt. Browf @glutnix. has been pre-approved b50.0 of his requested b77.0 Capt Browf: perhaps you can get a private loan of b27.0 form some other captain for the remainder of your request?

We are still hoping to get proposals from @Felipe_Budinich and @newliminted.

– David Falkayn
interim Treasurer, Community Bank
Captain, Muddlin’ Through
Trade Representative, Polesotechnic League.

Self-Interested Co-operation is the Basis of All Success


Okay, to be clear, the space accountant says I have b23 invested in the Bank and b17 on loan. I assume that b23 is part of your running total for Bank funds, correct? To completely clear our books you would need to dispense b6 to me.

Then, by my calculations I have b28, with the only safe mission being Mission 2, which I can afford and which is the only one that is safe for me. With limited hp, Nilah’s bug hunt isn’t going to be more profitable for me (basically I need to take ~15 hp for each drone, and each drone will basically return b10 after repairs. The only reason to take on debt now would be if I believed that prices would worsen in the future, or that I would be stuck unable to buy repairs. If prices improve, then money borrowed now will cost me a lost opportunity with the limited returns I can hope to see.

So I’ll split the difference, ever so slightly: I’ll take an interest free loan of b22. Then I will have b50, which I will use for:

b40 : [b20 - Hull Repairs (10 HP)] x2
b10: Mission 2 - Hats, Hats, Hats

If you can confirm the loan, I’ll submit these instructions to Ella.

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transfer b22.0 to @Ratel

Capt. Jacques Malchance has a balance b22.0, interest free, and an expected payment of b22.0 at the start of the next round.

The current Community Fund balance is b138.9

-David Falkayn
interim Treasurer, Community Bank


Ship orders for The Entropy:

b40 : [b20 - Hull Repairs (10 HP)] x2
b10: Mission 2 - Hats, Hats, Hats

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I’m confused as to who needs what, but I have some b to lend if anyone needs it to survive the round.

Capt Browf @Glutnix wants b77.0 (or even b177.0) , but the community bank board is only comfortable lending him the first b50.0, so I believe he is looking for a b27.0. or more if he can get it.



@Glutnix I can lend you b27 if you have a survivable mission you want to participate in