Badass Space Dragon - Duck's Pond

I think I tried that soup in REG-9 cluster. Got a tune stuck in my stomach and couldn’t sleep for three days. Finally it passed.


I rented one of those little Honda Space-fits yesterday. Thought I’d take it for a spin. Well, spin it did, when I found myself marooned on a local asteroid. More of an ice ball, really. She spun and spun, got me nowhere. Had to ditch it and spacewalk outta there. Turns out I was in a pretty bad corner of the 'verse, but the locals left me alone mostly, and those that didn’t, well, they were downright nice! Finally got lifted out of there by a colleague and made it home safe. What an adventure!


Yar, I’ve no idea what that’s like for a spobster like yerself, but a stomach worm is hell on us pinkies.


Thank g-d this one isn’t on the box:

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Continuing the discussion from Radio Shack’s happier days, when it sold $2495 cellphones:

Where I come from, that’s considered a performance bonus.


In other news, my smoke is wearing off, and I am pining again. What a woman, what material!


[La seule chose entre vous et une mort certaine est cette cire.]


…and the ship’s hulll


ship’s hulll := space-wax.

Why would I want some sort of static, brittle material for something so hexagonadelic as Those Who Deem Inappropriate the Singing of Disney Songs in the Office Bathroom Are Not Worthy of Acknowledgement?!?!??!


[Six partialité comme une idée maîtresse]

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

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You always say that, Mackey. You always say, “I got a bad feeling about this drop.”


Missions are Posted

Implants buzz, communicators ping, and screens flicker to life. A Space Lobster in tech glasses stares like a dummy. The Unizone Corporation has posted new missions. Time to sober up and get to work.

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[quote=“patrace, post:112, topic:51994”]
Time to sober up and get to work.[/quote]

One ain’t got nothing to do with the other.


I’ve seen your docking “ma·neu·vers” and would have to agree.


Buddy, I keeps telling you, just because the back end of my craft is adjusting itself to fit into the dock doesn’t mean I’m making a pass at you.

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"hey Mamma, You forget this rubber mallot at Duck’s Pond other night. Browf know Mamma use it to ‘un-adjust’ your craft panelling after successful dock. :smile: "

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Entry 392H73A4: Groundling Culture: Names

Little is known among the Lobsteroid Academic Community of the cultural rituals of Groundlings. One of the most perplexing and vexing aspects of Grounding culture is their naming conventions. 

Consider, for example, the popular folk hero from the Second Charbydicall Entanglement, Sir. Mamma "Luckybeard" Aiuto. While the origins of his nickname can easily be surmised, even by lesser-legged species, the root of his given name is obscured to Lobsterstorians. The popular explanation is that "Mamma" is itself a nickname, given to him by those fortunate enough to be within earshot during his docking maneuvers. LoogleTranslate roughly translates the full phrase he would exclaim while docking to be, "To copulate with one that has already hatched young."

Yeah, how do you think I got those pants on you?


“ah, that explain! me wonder why hoofs hurt as well as head…”

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That’s good to hear. Mostly because the difficult parts of fitting were in the crotch area.

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