Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/22/bully-officer-threatens-to-sen.html
“The town of Patagonia claims on their website that the marshal is being disciplined,”
Smart courageous young lady. She’ll make a fine journalist.
As for Marshall Camera-Shy, your fear of the light shows which side of justice you’re truly on.
List of Things That Frighten Police (updated 2/22/19)
Blinking LEDs
Photography & Video Cameras
Black/Brown Adults and Children
Direct Eye Contact
Peaceful protests
Imaginary Black/Brown People
Rap Battles
Free Speech
Mail Carriers
Disabled People
Drawings of Penises
Two-Dollar Bills
Pregnant Women
Sleeping People
12-Year-Old Journalists
This is telling…
It reveals the arrogance and entitled privilege of LEO culture.
Mmm, I can kind of understand the point of safety concerns following anyone around on a bike. But he is going about it completely the wrong way.
Well, if you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about, Officer Patterson.
Also, Arizona law prohibits putting “your face on the Internet”? Yeah, that’s a whole lot of bullshit.
When I was 12, if a person of authority told me I’d be put in juvy, I would have pissed my pants and ran home crying to my Mom. And I would have 100% believed it. Kudos to this kid and the many others who are realizing not all adults in positions of authority are telling you the truth.
She is a fine journalist. She’s been doing this for a few years now. Hilde Lysiak is kick ass.
“You can lie to your mother, you can lie to your father, you can lie to your priest, but you can’t lie to a law-enforcement officer,” Patterson told her.
Very true. And while I’m sure she’ll excel at whatever future she chooses, our country will be fortunate if she continues her journalism career. We dearly need reporters like her.
[Edited for clarity (and then spelling).]
Arizona, the Mississippi of the SouthWest.
It also reveals why, as kids get older, they believe adults less and less. Because the adults lie to them almost all of the fucking time.
Today, this girl learned quite a few valuable lessons. I hope she stays in journalism - the profession needs her!
Also, her concern about doxxing her attacker is touching!
But it’s perfectly fine for a LEO to lie to us?
Incredible list, thank you!
“Say hello to the 21st Century!”
In other news, a police officer in Rotterdam threatens a 3 year-old to a street race duel while her father is filming them on his phone.
So assuming he is a good guy with a gun and also in theory would be a good christian man, devoted husband and father…ya know all the stereotypes that you can think of…is he supposed to be telling the child NOT to lie to any one of those authority figures?
Oh that’s right silly me…its all just bull shit anyway.