Might just be an improvement.
I wonder what the objections are to just adding up all of the state’s fucking votes?
I think everyone really thought that Buttigieg was dead in the water.
I suspect that Bloomberg will also be dead in the water as soon as he jumps in unless a bunch of Republicans switch their party affiliations to vote for him. To be honest, from his messaging I thought he WAS a Republican. One who thought if he ran with a Gun Control stance he could win over Democrats.
(I am still kind of crossing my fingers for Warren. Although I don’t know, it’s entirely possible that Bloomberg would do better in November. All that matters is Not Trump. Or Pence.)
Biden has a polling advantage with elderly Black voters. Not with young Black voters, not with non-Black PoC.
well that doesn’t seem very fair to the minority
how are they supposed to win under that system???
Sooo warren/sanders (or vice versa whatever) for the election? Seems ok to me.
I just saw the phrase “Mayo Pete” upthread, and I assume it’s not a typo, because it’s brilliant. I can’t stand that anodyne loser.
This may not be legal- he forgot to yell Bingo!
Indeed, I think this is likely Buttigieg’s high water mark. But honestly, this is probably the best possible outcome for him. My guess is the odds for him winning have gone from near non-existent to small.
I’ll admit that as an outsider, a contest between a Sanders vs. Trump would be very interesting.
Honestly, I have no idea how it would turn out. We have good models for both good (Obama) and the horrible (Trump and Boris Johnson) outcomes when the voters are actually given fairly clear choices.
Hey man. Small groups of white voters in GOP controlled states are the best metric for everything. The TV told me so.
Isn’t Hillary running again?
He’s from practically next door. And the population of Iowa is made up entirely of his base. White grandmas.
They are reporting each round of voting as there are at least two. It’s a bit like an instant run off. After the first round, any candidate who falls below a certain threshold of people is “non-viable” and their caucusers are free to either sort into a “viable” candidates camp, or remain un-allotted.
In the past they’ve only reported the final vote and delegate counts. This time they’ve committed to release the first round, final round, delegates and “delegate equivalents” which seems to be the fractional delegate count before rounding up or down.
Oh, come on. It has to be a dance-off.
I do remember, roughly a century ago, before the 2016 primaries that polls showed Sanders beating Dolt 45 handily while Hillary was usually around statistically tied. FWIW.
Is that the name we’re using now? No Pocahontas, No Sleepy Joe, Grumpy Bernie?
Take your ball and go home if things don’t go your way eh?
Way to be an adult and get Trump elected again sparky.
I think the point was that by 2020 in our modern democracy we would have an election system in place by now which would have long since rendered obsolete an archaic device like a coin toss.
If the highly paid party leaders and their legion of highly paid experts and consultants cant figure this out, and it therefore comes down to boingboing readers to solve the puzzle, then … cool that’s a fun challenge. Will start brainstorming.
In any event, pending the input from the boingboing Think Tank, the Nevada system of drawing cards is better.
- drawing cards can solve a 3-way tie, unlike a coin toss
- there are tutorials on how to control a coin in a coin toss. I havent tried them, but have anecdotally heard that they’re effective.
Haha… you said “way to be an adult” and called someone “sparky” in the same sentence…
Iowa could not have gone better for Bloomberg. Or worse for Biden.
Your infantile attempts to be witty are depressing me. Is that 4Chan / Reddit rabbit hole I hear calling you.