Canada man goes on racist rant over parking space for his truck

That would be sweet justice, but he got in the passenger side. Did you miss @Missy_Pants’ genius post above? Do scroll up to the music video.


Next time some snooty Canadian motherfucker spouts off about how sane and rational and post-racial Canadian politics are compared to those in the US and how nothing like Trump could ever happen there, I will think of this video.

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He must have been so embarrassed when he got home and discovered that Pakistan and India are two different countries. And neither has much of a camel transportation infrastructure.


I can’t wait to see the arsehole’s side of the story on youtube. We need way more films of people being shouted at and looking dumbstruck.

I’ve heard this before and am wondering how many of us Brits may heave a sigh of relief at being given such a plausible etymology.

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I don’t mean to make light of the slur—when it’s used like this guy uses it, etymology is sort of moot.


Nah, Canada just got rid of Stephen Harper after nine long years. Justin Trudeau has enough to deal with without taking on our tea partiers.


I did not for one moment think that you did. And I also really do wonder what I said I wondered :slight_smile:

My brother-in-law used it to describe any person from the Subcontinent up to a few years ago. When he discovered he liked Indian food he stopped using it.


Canadian sarcasm is more subtle than you may imagine.


They feel they’re going to intimidate the other party, or feel that they’re only going to be deemed racist if they get “edited to look that way”, as if you could edit words and phrases into their mouth.

Calling someone a Paki then saying go back to India makes no sense without access to time travel. The ignorance of this bigot is so imminence the only solution is probably a 2X4 and a good swing.


In the history of Man, has a vehicle ever correlated so closely with the type of person you thought would come out of that vehicle?


Normally that would be threatening…but with someone this racist, he probably thinks "they all look the same"™. This made me sad, if i were there i’d definitely be telling this guy to shove off and that kind of talk is completely unacceptable.

:+1::clap: this.

soooorrrrrrrryyyyyyy!!! eh?


The preferred term here is Clue by 4, sir. Cheers!

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Yeah it’s Canada. That’s my home town of Abbostford. We have a large Indian (India) population and lots ignorant white folk (lots of friendly white folk too). Not many Muslims, but lots of Hindus and Sikhs. Growing up I would hear people use the slur ‘paki’ on occasion. Doesn’t matter where you are or what backgrounds people have, someone will find a way to demean you based on your heritage and beliefs :frowning:


There is a reason so many of the best comedians and comic actors in Hollywood come from Canada. Subtle sarcasm is our second national sport.

That said, the video guy may not be a black belt in our second national sport.


Also, Canada has an unearned reputation for being less racist. We committed genocide just like our neighbours to the south and our First Nations (indigenous) are still shockingly poor and over incarcerated just like people of African or South American decent are in the USA. Plenty of ignorance and systematic racism up here in the “great white north.”


Have you seen Shaun Majumder’s documentary “Every word is absolutely true” - its so good!
He has a stand up bit, very polished, about being beaten up in grade school by the school bullies who call him “Paki” and he goes on to try and educate them that he is infact Indian, his father is from India, so they should not beat him up anymore! Seriously, he is one funny funny man.


Check out the rage and fear in that guy’s eyes; he’s surely not seeing whoever it is he is abusing, but rather something else.


I’m sure the guy could be arrested for intimidation or something…