Cesar Sayoc Jr., Florida man, arrested in pipe bomb case; van with 'right wing paraphernalia' seized

Anything to avoid responsibility.


He might be an extra-galactic alien! He might be a dead Australian woman! He might be secret Tesla android! He might be Hillary Clinton in disguise! He might be a time traveler stuck here from the future! He might be a dinosaur that escaped the asteroid! He might be from the parallel universe where Hitler was really Barbra Streisand!

Shall I go on?

The guy was a Trump supporter. He sent bombs to Democrats. He was egged on by the POTUS.


Thank you.


They’ve been gnawing that bone since the first bomb. And every new bit of information gets squeezed and kneeded to fit. They’re taking this as a great sign that the DNC is on the run and desperate to find a way to survive the coming losses at the polls.

Until this guy talks they’ll probably keep on. Then they’ll probably start celebrating how hard he “owned” all those libs.


I don’t think his ethnicity is significant. I’m just writing from the perspective of someone who has a bunch of trumpanzee relatives who consider themselves Native Americans even though all of their great-grandparents were immigrants. Said relatives are content to call real Native Americans Indians, and probably view the rights of real Native Americans to live in this country with some suspicion.



“What’s your political affiliation?”
“Sign right here!”


And I’d never call any decent, non-violent person with mental health issues a “nutcase”. I’m truly sorry for any offense.


So this guy will be pardoned and hired by 45?


I’m not offended, personally; merely considerate of other people who aren’t violent asshats that have been wound up by the walking carcinogen which currently occupies the oval office.


Trump is saying “terrorizing”. Is that not as bad as “terrorist”?

I don’t know about Florida, but where I live that van would have been pulled over by the first policeman to see it. Covering up windows on a vehicle makes it illegal to use on public roads, and while the cops will overlook very small stickers they’ll make you scrape off anything they think might block the driver’s line of sight.


He lives in Florida and misspells “Florida.”
This guy was never going to be difficult to catch.
He either left fingerprints, DNA, or he was ignorant about the machine identification code all printers leave.

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Have they mentioned MK-ULTRA programming yet? Or that well-known documentary, The Parallax View?

People will soon move onto the Bargaining / Rationalising stage, i.e. “Librals started it; he was just fighting back in self-defense”.


welp, my right-wing whackjob Bingo card is full…

taking my winnings and leaving the parlor…


Ben “Zyglon B” Garrison is already hard at work [view at your own risk!]:


Yup, all the intended victims are actually the perpetrators.

(Always fun when an artist is so bad and/or knows how dumb his intended audience is that he has to label the figures.)


Ummmm, I’m not even talking about the current, what 14 bombs he sent out (ok ok allegedly). He was arrested prior to this for making bomb threats, was convicted and afaik was still on parole for terroristic bomb threats when he went all Trumpitytrumptrump.

We’re just lucky this moran can’t actually seem to make a bomb that goes BOOM. Maybe all those ‘bomb plans here!’ on the internet are full of red herrings and misinformation (and really, a Fox news devotee wouldn’t be able to sort the wheat from the chaff facts/bullshit wise). Kinda like how all the nuclear bomb recipes involve getting ahold of red mercury (a mythical super toxic something and a good way to make these idiots edit themselves out of the gene pool “first, to make sure you have high quality mercury, place your hand into the bowl, now scoop out a handful and drink it, if it tastes awful then you got the really good stuff! drink another handful… ok one more generous handful and now you are ready to teach those Bad People a lesson!”)

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Hey, Wikipedia Brown:

I know that living with the internet has given you the kind of blinders where your doubt is the definition of veracity for all things, but how about you let trained professionals share their findings and also apply Occam’s razor before you start seeing 2-3 lone gunmen on every available grassy knoll?

If you talk later, armed with the facts, you’ll sound like a human; right now, you sound like a paranoiac who’s run out of foil for hats.



Possessed of a moral compass drawn to a different pole?


Except, McAuliffe actually said “SHIT”, but it was bowdlerized for 1944 audiences.

To be honest, there is no citation. But if you ask many Army people, it’s “well-known.” And, it is possible for censors to have historically dry-cleaned the event for home audiences. eg, SNAFU, of course, does not mean “Situation Normal, All Fouled Up.” Seems to me, if you were perilously enveloped by a Nazi breakthrough, your choice of adjectives is going to veer to the stronger ones. “Nuts” seems comically inoffensive.