Cesar Sayoc Jr., Florida man, arrested in pipe bomb case; van with 'right wing paraphernalia' seized

Let’s call the whole thing off!


Can’t search what they don’t have


Yup. I was ready with a reply, but you beat me to it while I was reading through the rest of the thread. Here’s what I was going to say:

The choice of sand or salt depends on the outdoor temperature. Salt doesn’t work at very cold temps, and it’s a big pollutant of rivers and lakes. So you don’t want to use salt unless it’s necessary and useful. When it’s too cold to melt the ice with salt, the thing to use is sand to provide traction on the ice.

From the Mississippi Watershed Management Organization (this info is mainly aimed toward individual citizens; at the end there’s info about the different temperatures that various kinds of de-icers will work at):


I can roll with that. Still think “nuts” is funnier, probably exactly because it is so mild as to be unexpected, but “shit” is way more realistic and likely in the situation.

I think one of the best analyses of that was in Sense8 when Kala asked Capheus why poor people would have a TV and not a bed.

“A bed keeps you in a ghetto. This takes you out.”

Given (as people noted) you can pick up a TV fairly cheap at a second-hand shop or pawn shop, or get one given to you when someone upgrades… there’s lots of ways to have a TV. Same (especially) with a phone.

Living without a microwave is privileged, these days, because it means that you can afford the time to cook.

It might also be stuff you got before you became poor. A ten-year-old computer might still be counted as “owning a computer”, even if it’s mostly useless. Three other people might be helping pay that cable bill, even if it’s just in one person’s name.

But dog-forbid someone who doesn’t have money have anything nice in their life or helps them forget even for a moment that they’re living in poverty.


I’m actually thinking that everything going on around the world, with the USA, Russia and China as the protagonists, is from a Star Trek scpipt that was discarded by Gene Roddenberry as being “too far-fetched, too futurist dystopian”.

Check out Candace Owen on TwitterShitter. She’s a young African American with an apparently difficult past being racially abused, but is on full GOP throttle. It is really quite weird.

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Close, Google maps already has a pic in the photos section for Plantation, FL.


Yes, it is, thus why salt is pretty much not used in Minnesota. Detroit attempts to defy chemistry due to having been constructed upon a salt deposit, but every 18-20 years, Minnesota winter hits here, and chemistry insists upon being recognized as objective reality.


#magabomber don’t let 45 make this about anything else

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I’m sorry, but you have made two egregious errors:

  1. It’s Hil-lie-ry, and
  2. She had emails. On her computer.

How have I never seen this jibe before? It is top drawer!

(No, but seriously: good one.)


So, based on what I’ve seen elsewhere, Sayoc’s family says he has no Native ancestry and they don’t know why he’s claiming otherwise. (His ancestry is Italian on his mother’s side and Filipino on his father’s side.)

My guess is that since this guy is living up to every terrible right-wing loon stereotype, he was pretending to be Seminole in order to drum up customers for his failing businesses, exactly the way right-wingers imagine left-leaning people dishonestly embracing minorities for selfish reasons.


In other words, you’re Just Asking Questions?


My guess is that he latched on to the Seminoles due to the whole “undefeated” myth that people have about them. My own meagre knowledge comes from the fact that I was in the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment* which was founded as the 2nd Dragoons to fight the Seminoles. Something about them providing asylum to escaped slaves making them a threat, but I don’t want to go down that rabbit hole now so I’ll just leave my unreliable tidbits as they fall.

*Now just 2nd Cavalry Regiment, having swapped Abrams and Bradleys for Strykers. Kind of dating myself here.


Section 4. This shows Trump riding a tank.

it’s washington post, so private browse to avoid the paywall.


Pipe bomb manufacture vs. washing a van. If you practice washing a van, and it doesn’t come out quite right, you can just wash it again. You get immediate feedback from the process. If you practice making a pipe bomb, and it doesn’t come out quite right, you blow up. It is therefore harder to practice the former. There are also many car wash places happy to help you wash a van, but even the helpful employees at a local hardware store or big box store are less likely to take you through the steps of manufacturing a pipe bomb.


In Florida? No. He’d be a needle in a needle stack.

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I know if Obama had said “terrorizing” they would have said he was weak/coddling terrorists/collaborating with terrorists because he refused to say “terrorist”.

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Kaufman is involved, but not how you think:

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Do you have any salient points to make here?

No he’s making saline points.

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