Cesar Sayoc Jr., Florida man, arrested in pipe bomb case; van with 'right wing paraphernalia' seized

And so polite! Cannot trust anyone that polite.

Which brings us to the Danish, and the eventual logical conclusion: The Swedes.




Thus speaks an optimist that can’t imagine just how much worse things can get. Perhaps he will start a shooting war with the DPRK or China or Canada, and that is what he will be rememberd for.



A whole family of Danes on one bicycle! They must be guilty!


I have family that are ITCHING to vote for him again in 2020.

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His bombing days are over, I hope.


  1. Well, that was quick.

  2. Of course it was Florida man.

  3. But the other details, he seems to be shattering stereotypes. :confused:

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well who knows what he has been up to lately… how does he pay his mortgage?


I think I remember reading that he had become a right wing radio personality, but I could be wrong.


If things like this keep giving vans a bad name I’m going to have to abandon my dream of a sweet van with a totally boss wizard airbrushed on the side.

Trump was only elected 2 yearsish ago. And only began campaigning in 2016. Lot of newly insane cars out there. And as there are lots of people like this around me. Most of them drive fairly new cars, and regularly update the flair.

There is nothing odd about any of that.

I live close enough to the ocean that the salt in the air occasionally crusts up on my car. No rust. 20 year old cars develop terminal rust here, guarenteed. But often enough its invisible without crawling under them. And any reasonably new car that gets washed is generally rust free.

Because your speculation fits a certain deep state conspiratorial dismiss reality mold.


The USPS is actually really well run. Profitable. And routinely our performs the private sector on all fronts of the parcel business.

Eta: that’s why the right have hobbled it with extreme funding requirements and want to kill it. Its living proof that nationalised buisnesses in key public service sectors are good, and work, and don’t destroy private business. The Post Office is socialism at work, and it hasn’t taken our guns or killed Jesus yet. They need it to be broke and ineffective, because its a big old counter example for their base approach.


With a van like this, I don’t see how it can’t be him…

Hey, he made a clear statement - blaming the media.

The “false flag” claims always fall apart as more information comes out (usually quite quickly), but it doesn’t matter, so long as they can convince people in the brief window when they’re actually paying attention.

Anything could be faked, but the only things that are faked are the bits that are inconvenient for their worldview, of course. “It just makes sense.”

Extremely poor typing skills and no autocorrect.

Reactionary race calculus is easy: Did he commit a crime (that they disapprove of)? He’s not white.

Everyone knows that Floridians regularly drive their vehicles into the ocean, sheesh. It’s impossible to keep them from getting rusty.




More precisely, suspect arrested in pipe bomb case had a van somewhere under all his Trump stickers.


I’m more than happy to hold the Right accountable when their rhetoric is wall-to-wall conspiracy theories and violence. This guy’s social media presence and van are pretty much nothing but verbatim recitations of Trump’s public statements against Democrats and members of the media. That’s the key underlying difference here: there have been violent actions in the past by left-leaning people, but establishment Democrats, members of non-Fox-News media organizations, and other prominent left-leaning spokespeople don’t make a habit of leading rallies in chants to lock up their political opposition without charge, praise members of the party who assault reporters, dissemble for totalitarian regimes who murder dissenters, or promise to pay the legal bills of supporters who assault protesters. No prominent members of the left lamented the fact that nobody was killed in the Congressional baseball practice shooting last year. Democratic members of Congress aren’t promoting white supremacist candidates in other countries or traveling to Europe to get “the Polish perspective” on the Holocaust from far-right political groups with … questionable track records on the subject.

Political violence is not the exclusive domain of the Right, but boy howdy do they make up the overwhelming majority of it these days, and there’s nobody in a position of authority who is willing to speak out against the volume and intensity of the violent and aggressively anti-Democratic rhetoric coming from their camp. It’s absolutely edging into direct incitement.


Some of us haven’t seen that movie yet.

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… has been borked on and off for a few days. I wonder if it is related.


Danes be Daning.


Who knew the MAGAbomber was an actual Trump supporter committing terrorism in support of the far right?

Anyone who wasn’t already predisposed to look for excuses for Trumpian behavior.


But, as you say, we totally can and must blame them for trying to ignore this domestic terrorism, attempting to trivialize attempted mass murder as equivalent of speech, to make it a false “both sides do this” argument.