Cesar Sayoc Jr., Florida man, arrested in pipe bomb case; van with 'right wing paraphernalia' seized

There used to see a beat up pickup I’d see at the grocery store. It had poster board taped to it and just bizarre rants scrawled on it. Mostly anti-Bush stuff, anti NWO, some religious stuff thrown in. I can’t really remember all of it. Just someone I would keep away from.

Then driving around looking for a garage sale, I found the truck parked presumably in front of his house. It looked perfectly normal. I haven’t seen it in awhile, though I don’t shop nearly as often. He may have moved on or passed on by now.


Actually to piggy back here on @anon32019413 is it not the right that consistently says “Where are the moderate muslims who should be calling out radicals and turning them in within their own community?”

Seems to me the right wing base spends an awful lot of time blaming others and then not practicing the very things they preach others should be doing!!!

My attitude personally in politics is this…you get to choose which bed you sleep in, you do not get to choose who is in that bed with you!! So be really careful where you rest your head because you are tied to them, whether you want to be or not.

I have many conservative right wing family members. And they are to a man pissed at me because I keep calling them out by saying…these are the people you are in bed with, these are the people standing on YOUR side of this…



In the interest of not jumping to conclusions about what you’re trying to say…what are you trying to say? For whom is this “convenient” and why do you think that matters?


Ha! Yes, and they’ve been so good at distraction (“Squirrel!!”,“Hillary!!”,“Brown People!!!”) that I didn’t even think of that analogy for this instance until you mentioned it.


Needs more fast food wrappers and empty Old Thompson bottles.

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Okay but now it’s “If The pipe bomb suspect has been correctly identified, (as 56 y/o Cesar Sayoc) worth noting that according to Lexis/Nexis, he runs a couple of companies with “Native American” in the title.”

Srsly, ordering of joke and reality seems to have gotten messed up somewhere.


The USPS yes. Law enforcement agencies… not so much

FWIW, if you notice, one of the stickers on the van (right side, I believe) says something like Native Americans for Trump.


Something something mental illness something something lone wolf something something librul konspiracy… blimey, this news just writes itself these days!


This van is not new. 15 years old, minimum.


Once you receive their report you can update the rest of us.


Cars on the west coast tend to last forever. Salt does not make it into the air much.

Cars up north rust quick because they salt the roads in winter. Except Michigan, where they use sand. Cars last longer in Michigan too.


Hi, live from Michigan! This is utterly false. Perhaps you were thinking of Minnesota.

My 9 year old, falling apart Prius would like a word with you. We have damned near the worst roads in the nation, and it significantly reduces the life of any vehicle.

Back on topic, the most recent year that black, horizontal handles appear on any cargo/conversion van is on 2003 Dodge Rams. This isn’t about appearances, it’s about trends in the automotive industry.


Maybe rural MI. My parents and other family live in South Boardman.

Definitely sand.

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Metro Detroit, definitely salt. It’s blue, FFS.



I’m thinking Mr Sayoc’s definition of “Native American” has nothing to do with ancestors of the people who lived here prior to 1492.


Of course, it’s not a “right-wing extremist does something extremist-y” story without the inevitable “social media companies failed to take reports of his threatening behavior seriously” sub-plot:

Edit: timing! Twitter apologizes for saying mailbomber's threats didn't violate its rules


Luxury!! We slept in a hole in the ground!!

I see your Deadpool and raise you Monty Python!