Cop in bikini tackles thief to the ground before his arrest

Ugh, really?

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Not saying it isn’t a thing, but I’m not quite making the connection to “this is bad because it is” - my current circle of friends is >70% female & they all immediately notice the same sort of bits on their respective attraction gender.

Little help? (Other than a clue by four please)

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Now there’s an effective deterrent.


It was, I can see the other interpretation, but that’s why we communicate and figure out what somebody’s intent is before getting all bothered, right? :slight_smile:


Sorry to jump in, but per your response you seem like a good person to ask - because I’m honestly curious- can’t she be both?




Rule 34 says otherwise.


To be fair, you should know that you’re pretty much preaching to the choir.

I give many male members of the BBS credit for actually being aware of sexism, racism and most other divisive ‘isms.’

They are not perfect, but many are well aware of inequality and disparity between the genders, and they often factor in their own bias when commenting.

Just sayin’.


That’s unfortunate, but freedom of speech and all that.

Okay, clarification; just because I ‘like’ a comment doesn’t automatically mean that I agree with it.

That being said; I agree that women are not objects. (Though some are damn “shiny.”)

I am also aware that @William_Holz was engaging in hyperbole, not seriously devaluing the inherent worth of women as individuals.

Bottom line; I know there’s a lot of rampant sexism and misogyny out there, but that doesn’t mean it’s always the driving force behind every low brow joke.

My Gram taught me to pick my battles wisely, to fight to win whenever fighting is necessary, and most importantly to try not to fight every day.

Furthermore, every disagreement needn’t be personal; it’s okay to have different view points and perceptions.


Ya know, when I saw that this thread had suddenly jumped from fifty to eighty-something comments in just over an hour, my first thought was ‘thread fight’.


Or perhaps just another Communication Fail.


I recognize that as well, but since I’m not omnipotent or psychic, I have no way of knowing. I can comment when something makes me uncomfortable, which I did here. So far, the response seems to say I’m wrong for feeling uncomfortable. That’s…not really ok either.

Your grandmother is not mine, my battles are not your battles, so what you may see as wise, I may see as foolish.

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@megguspee , if I can jump in, I bear a lot of responsibility for the direction the comments took here. The situation is amusing, after all, which is why it was posted on BoingBoing, but sometimes I forget I’m not with my fellow twelve-year-olds.

I should point out that the reactions here (mine anyway) are as much admiration for this woman’s power and courage as for her hotness. Nevertheless, I didn’t mean to be offensive or make this thread uncomfortable for anyone. I apologize. I see you have been a member long enough to know that we usually do better.


I appreciate that, a lot. Thank you.


I’m saying that if you make a public comment about someone’s appearance or attractiveness and that person is upset by it and asks you to stop, then you stop.


So that’s you in the photo?


You switched to a general reference of “Person A” and “Person B”, so I replied with a general explanation.

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Nor am I. (Shit, I wish.)

I’m speaking solely from a sense of familiarity from having engaged him regularly.

I never said nor even implied that you can’t.

Again that didn’t come from me.

Earlier you accused another member of being needlessly rude before editing your comment, and now you’re treading into that territory yourself; so congrats.

I only speak from my own perspective on things and I relate to others via my own experiences and knowledge… just like everyone else.

It’s fine if you dont agree, but honestly it seems like you’re kinda just spoiling for a fight at this point, with anyone who is willing to oblige you.

All I was saying is that maybe it would be more productive to direct some of that energy to the people who are actively trying to be offensive and disrespectful instead of leaping at every perceived slight…


I’m done now; it’s time for my commute home.

Have a great night, and I wish you peace & blessings.


I hope I’m not speaking out of turn by adding that sometimes I refrain from speaking because, well, better to be thought of as a privileged white male than open my mouth and remove all doubt.

But I may be unfairly letting others like me take a fall. After all I think I’ve benefited significantly from discussions and even debates here. Others have said things that crossed my mind and the negative reactions those remarks got have been educational. I’ve learned a lot about privilege and that racism, sexism, and other isms aren’t always obvious, things I think I should have learned just from experience.

I had a point here but I’ve lost it now. I only hope it’s not on top of my head.


I’m really sorry, & I can see that you might be feeling a bit exasperated, so I do appreciate your patience - but I still don’t see how that applies.

There is no one who has “first person” standing in this context.