Cyclist frustrates the DC trucker convoy

Painting drones, flying in formation to coat them all with rainbows.


Of the means to protest effectively without the need for violence? Heck yeah. All nonsanctioned street protest is a form of bullying.

The protest that inspired this was not that. There was widespread harassment of people who were not part of the protest. These people are driving trucks through a city where they do not live to protest public health measures that have largely been ended already… and they’re supporting The Big Lie, white supremacy, and all that.

Not really, no.


Who is protesting and what they are protesting matters. If you’re out on the street in favor of defending the rights of the marginalized and oppressed, you’re not a bully, you’re helping to fight bullies. These people are not out for the marginalized or oppressed, but of the already empowered class (white, Christian men).


You could be more wrong but you’d have to try quite hard.


That’s a weird take. The direction of the power dynamic matters for bullying. For the same reason that affirmative action is not ”reverse racism” against white people, oppressed groups protesting for their rights is not “bullying” anyone. Cishet white men who are mad because they can’t shoot trannies and brown people whenever they want is not an oppressed group fighting for rights.




Sounds exactly like the “there was widespread violence so all protestors were violent” logic that gets used against righteous protests.

There is where we disagree. The means matter, often more than the ends.

My mistake, you managed to be even more wrong with ease.


There was documented evidence of them harassing others, from people who lived there. But sure, I guess we could all be lying to make them look like bullying jack asses…

Kenan Thompson Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


That was mean.

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But true.


I’m going to hazard a guess that this first march wasn’t sanctioned.

(Edited for specificity)


You are jealous that they are obnoxious assholes flouting white privilege?

Modern Family Cameron Tucker GIF


DC has constant street protests. They are regulated in that certain secure areas are off limits, and you can’t protest between 10pm an 8am, but it’s part of the background noise of the capital of a free society. Permits are recommended or required based on size, and how much closure is warranted, but small unsanctioned protests are constant and prolific.

Bullying may occur during a protest, but so can any manner of criminal act. However, protests don’t require bullying or criminality, and many to most have none. Your impression of this may be slanted as peaceful protests get less coverage.


There is nothing wrong with righteous peaceful protests that bully car drivers off the roads they think they own. “If I had an eighteen wheeler” works better today than “If I had a hammer”.

Denying that means matter is the cop apologist playbook.

Protesters are getting bored and now edging toward more extremist.

Several (paranoid) takes about antifa infiltrating the convoy as it goes around the beltway.

Oh and it seems the protesters are going back to their first principles:

On Friday morning, Landis passed the microphone to a man onstage who launched into a racist rant against Black Lives Matter Plaza, urging the crowd to go into the District and vandalize it. “Everybody needs to get to D.C. now,” the man, who did not identify himself, said “Black Lives Matter Street, we’re gonna take it back. All that paint’s coming off that street. Before I get put in my grave, it’s going to get tar and feathered, and then we’re going to tar and feather all our delegates,” the man said. That afternoon, members of the convoy drove their bobtail trucks through Black Lives Matter Plaza.”


The truckers I know are very curious about why the industry hasn’t fired all of these cretins already. The theory is they are independent owner/operators who, for whatever reason, can afford to not only just not work for a month or two, but afford to keep their trucks fueled and running the whole time. Because interstate drivers who work for large scale transpo corpos would not be behind the wheels of moving vehicles if they had stopped, you know, following the famously stringent schedules the moment their gps tattletales transmitted the deviation from approved route.


One can’t help wondering who’s bankrolling the flu trux klan, and very much hope the fbi’s looking into that.


This is NOT bullying. AT ALL.

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago


Hunger strikes and monks self immolation’s are bullying. /s