Don Trump, Jr. rails against "Democrat governor" of Texas

I think he might light his hair on fire.



Jr. sure likes his rails. Line after line of pure enjoyment.

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My favorite thing about Ann Richards is that she played herself in a King of the Hill episode where she briefly dated Bill.



To paraphrase: The idiot doesn’t fall from the Trump.


The GOP has grown so monstrous it can’t even look itself in the face and recognize itself in the mirror.


Could start with slipping some Drano into the coke supply.

Or is that too harsh?

Donald Trump (p-too)-spits on ground, the dad, will be the featured guest and primary speaker at the upcoming Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) festival. Get the Dramamine ready.


Only if they’re nice to him.

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No. I think we need to be done with the heightened partisanship to the point of murdering the opposition.


Not relevant to anything, but listening to the very start of that song (while the logo was showing) in headphones was really unpleasant because the bassline hits sounded like someone tapping on my eardrums.

…possibly with a q-tip, now that I think about it. (I swear on all that is dear to me I did not start writing this comment with a q-tip pun in mind)

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A brass q-tip? :wink:

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Rolling white coal.


Could try fumigation (and try to ignore their raging hard-ons when they hear the words “gas chamber”)

“Oligarch Barbie and Ken” comes to mind. Not going to say who I mean since you definitely know who I mean. Only wish it rolled off the tongue better.

MUCH too harsh. Quick bit of research shows Green Gobbler is much gentler on pipes. Or just vinegar and baking soda with a wet towel to plug the hole while it works.

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All that and more is true about Trump Jr. He is truly loathsome and I’d love to see him spend the rest of his days in prison. But that doesn’t change the fact that I firmly believe in the importance of accurate reporting, even when the reporting is about my political enemies. Facts are very important to me. Thanks in large part to the significant damage Jr’s dad has done to our society facts are often in short supply in our public discourse, which scares the hell out of me. I hope you can appreciate the difference between defending Don Jr the man (which I certainly do not) and defending the facts about what he did or did not appear to say.

You seem to be assuming that I’m only ever fact checking criticisms of the privileged, which is definitely not the case. In other forums I’m very quick to correct lies told about groups and individuals who are being attacked over falsehoods. Fortunately here on the BB BBS such attacks aren’t especially common, and when they do occur they’re usually immediately corrected by other BBS members

May I ask your opinion on political fact check organizations such as Politifact and the Washington Post fact checker? Are they wasting time and energy on the (very rare) occasions when they determine that a right-wing nut job didn’t commit a specific outrage that was attributed to them?

Your post was longer than the simple fact check I posted, which I didn’t put much energy into. There are over 70 posts in this thread. Personally, I think all this collective scorn and criticism over a dumb Twitter quote (that probably didn’t mean what the original post in this thread unequivocally says it meant) is the bigger waste of energy than saying “false alarm, let’s move on to something else.” Energy is always better spent on fighting the real outrages, and there’s certainly no shortage of those in the Trump family.


This seems like derailing to me. Stop trying to be right.


Sorry, I should have made that more over the top to get the sarcasm across. I think we’re all agreed that tying aid of any sort to the mood of the President was a bad idea.

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I can get behind that. I don’t think you’re derailing.
The tl;dr version goes something like: DJTJ is def a piece of human garbage, but the thing we’re making fun of him for right here is actually misrepresented, and it cheapens the power and value of language and discourse to fall into that trap.
There’s plenty of real stuff to call this guy out on, even in the quote in question. (Classic and annoying case of “what-aboutism”, for example.)


Accurate reporting by news organizations is important.

We are not on CNN. We are on a forum laughing at a guy that is desperately trying to be enough of an asshole for his dad to like him. He can’t even tweet right. After four years of being verbally assaulted by this family we are blowing off some steam mocking this jerk.

But if you really want to spend you time policing everyone here then I will just block you. Have fun.


I don’t understand why some people refuse to use a snark/sarcasm tag (/s) when it would help tremendously, because it’s hard to grok intent in text communication… I can’t see your face or hear your voice, so it’s hard to detect sarcasm just from text. This isn’t rocket surgery.


When failson#1 tweets some incoherent gibberish, I don’t see the need to run it through a JuniorWhisperer filter to interpolate what he probably meant if he was making sense and wasn’t a halfwit.

If he feels that he was misunderstood, he can clarify it on his own Tubman.