Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

Oh sure, he is "running for president, " but not because he thinks he has any chance of winning.



He “running for the Democratic nomination” with the support of all the fascists. Hmmm…

Looking Let Me Think GIF by TipsyElves.com




… the new Lyndon LaRouche :roll_eyes:


Seriously… I think this is a case much like the shit with getting Hershel Walker to run - in that case, it was an attempt to win away Black votes from Raphael Warnock. Here, the thinking seems to be that Democratic voters are so ideologically driven, that they’ll just vote mindlessly for a guy named Kennedy… The fact that he met with Bannon indicates that this might be the case.


trojan horse gates GIF by South Park

We had a similar thing in Oregon with the last gubenatorial election when a former Democrat ran as an independent…funded entirely by Republican donors. They thought voters would be fooled…by a gun-loving, wealthy, anti-choice, pro-authoritarian police funding, semi-bigoted candidate just because she was nominally a Democrat. Which makes some sense when you consider how many Republican voters happily vote for any steaming pile of poo with a (R) next to their name. They made the mistake of assuming that Democrats do the same instead of actually looking at a candidate’s policy proposals and priorities, and it didn’t work.


A longish read, but very highly recommended for anyone still thinking of helping this fool win the WH.


“Jolted” is quite an overstatement. We can all recognize aTrojan horse. Democrats read books.


Unfortunately though, lots of Dems have been vaccine skeptics over the years Kennedy’s shit does have a surprisingly big audience on the left.

I remember living in Portland being shocked by how many vaccine skeptics and anti fluoride people I met. COVID had the effect of making large portions of the right reflexively antivax, but pre-COVID I think it was more of a small but bipartisan minority.

That said, Kennedy isn’t making it out of the primary and I doubt the Biden team is giving him that much thought.


Note that isn’t what I said. I said Dems recognize a Trojan horse. It’s not just his anti-vax bullshit that makes RFK, jr an empty suit. And since you brought up Portland, here’s the polling results from another Trojan horse in Multnomah Cty:


Fair. I’m just saying that saying Democrats read books, as if education is a silver bullet to defend against these kinds of assholes isn’t the whole story. Very educated people go down weird rabbit holes and end up with some very surprising beliefs. And yes, Johnson didn’t manage to throw the election, because people could see what she was doing. But 7% is still a depressingly large vote share for Johnson in my book.

Anyhow, I appear to be having a real fucker of a night from a communications standpoint, so I’m retiring from the field. I think you and I are probably pretty much in the same place, but I’m displaying a real ability to come off as more of an asshole than I want to be tonight, so all the best, and I’m jealous you’re still in Oregon. I didn’t want to leave.


I still think that Kennedy has a better chance of winning the Republican Primary than the Democratic Primary. Especially with DeSantis tanking and Trump likely to be in prison by next November.


More of this.

“The challenged provisions exemplify something Florida has struggled with in recent years; namely, governing within the bounds set by the United States Constitution,” Walker wrote.

“When state government power threatens to spread beyond constitutional bounds and reduce individual rights to ashes, the federal judiciary stands as a firewall,” wrote Walker,


'bout goddamn time.
suck it, ron.


Just reenforcing, get motivated, get registered, get to the polls and vote. I’ve heard the lesser of two evils argument, but considering the depths of depravity the fascists are representing, even “normal” center left dems are absolutely worth fighting for. Consider what happens if thd fascists win. Then make sure they don’t.


Choosing the greater of two evils doesn’t seem like a good strategy. And doing nothing is a choice.


I would love to see America actually try voting for the lesser of two evils more than two elections in a row before people write it off as ineffective.


Agreed, but there are many reasons to be unhappy with the Democratic party too… it’s just that it’s normal reasons to be unhappy with a political party, rather than seeing them turn into a party that is literally genocidal.


There are lots of reasons to be unhappy with the Democratic party, and we would be in a much better place to work on fixing them if there wasn’t a chance of the fascists winning. Can you imagine a world where there is a new and better candidate, and it’s ok to simply vote for them because the greatest evil isn’t getting enough support to be a danger? That’s how lesser evil voting is actually supposed to work.