Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

This one is confusing to an old nerd. This exploit depends on plugging in an ‘infected’ USB dongle into a machine which is declared to be “air-gapped”. It was always my understanding that: you simply don’t plug USB devices into an a system designated as air-gapped (that is, isolated from the internet). or said another way, even being connected to the internet has to queue packets which can be accomplished just more slowly via USB device. Or yet more ludicrous, WiFi USB dongles are bloody common even without some sneaky queuing [ugly old head scratch]


Techie nerd not I. Maybe that’s why this shit frightens and confuses me.


Unfrozen caveman pediatrician, me!


His supporters don’t understand the problem and think this is a good idea.

With me, 60 Minutes does the exact opposite! They take everything I say, realize how totally BRILLIANT it is, and take it out. So, with Kamala they add, with “TRUMP,” they delete. Like the Democrat Party, THEY ARE A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY!

60 Minutes is a major part of the News Organization of CBS, which has just created the Greatest Fraud in Broadcast History. CBS should lose its license, and it should be bid out to the Highest Bidder, as should all other Broadcast Licenses, because they are just as corrupt as CBS — and maybe even WORSE!

A giant Fake News Scam by CBS & 60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal. TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE. Election Interference. She is a Moron, and the Fake News Media wants to hide that fact. An UNPRECEDENTED SCANDAL!!! The Dems got them to do this and should be forced to concede the Election? WOW!

This is what’s he’s big mad about.


Presumably it is the hacker/spy who finagles to get within reach of said air-gapped device and surreptitiously attaches the dongle, not that a regular employee who would know better would somehow forget their training for some reason.



The editing decisions here are kind of weird. It looks like Whitaker’s initial question was chopped up and edited into two parts. Harris’ answer was condensed.

It seems like a production decision made to make a long answer to a long question a bit easier to digest for TV viewer. This kind of thing happens all the time in TV shows, especially when you’re trying to fit into a pre-set time box.

I don’t see any change to the overall context or clarity of Harris’ answer. The long-form version wasn’t succinct but it stayed on topic.

If Trump were answering the question he would have immediately gone off into a Hannibal Lecter anecdote before blaming Obama for the current situation in Israel. In any event, Trump had his chance to go on 60 Minutes and he refused. So… :man_shrugging:


Schitts Creek Ok GIF by CBC

Does anyone really think that this nibbling around the edges of tax reform is gonna help most people?


Disclaimer: I am not an economist.

Like most “tax breaks” I don’t see any benefit for the vast majority of Americans that don’t itemize their taxes. And for that do, they probably aren’t going to get a significant write-off from this since unless you have an immensely shitty interest rate, you’re probably not paying a whole lot on interest anyway. And besides, there’s the whole “who is going to pay for this?” argument Republicans love so much. It won’t come out of the pockets of the loan issuers because they get their interest payment no matter what. It ends up adding more to the national debt, or it gets paid for through other taxes making it a wash/loss anyway.

Trump’s “tax cuts” are obsessed with token things that provide minimal/negative benefit rather than doing the one thing that would actually help: higher taxes for corporations and the ultra-wealthy.


I don’t see it as a benefit either, but for his base and anyone uninformed enough to be undecided, I don’t think it matters. It sounds like it will benefit them and I don’t know if they’ll think about it beyond that :woman_shrugging:


If corporations are people- then people are corporations.

And corporations get to deduct every expense and only get taxed on profits.

No taxes for anybody! Not just billionaires.

And society collapses.


For our Texas mutants, pass this along to everyone you know who can vote in Texas…


Holy shit, that is just fucking evil! What the hell!

rage GIF


Holy shit, I just saw an ad for Randall Terry for President. It is without question the most disgusting and anger inducing political ad I have ever seen in my life. I’m not linking it here. You can go google it if you want, but it’s bad. It shows allegedly aborted fetuses and then says a bunch of lies about Kamala Harris. It’s so bad that every station that aired it had to put a disclaimer before and after explaining that they’re required by law to air the ad. I’m not sure I believe that, but whatever. I believe they have to air an ad by him since he’s running for President, but I cannot believe they have to accept and air any ad he sends them. My jaw just hit the floor. I’m not easily shocked, but this was shocking.

ETA: Apparently it’s an FCC rule, which can be found here.

Broadcast stations are prohibited from censoring or rejecting political ads that are paid for and sponsored by legally qualified candidates.

That rule needs to be amended. There is absolutely nothing good gained by forcing stations to air content like that. And nothing lost by prohibiting it.


Good God, i have not heard that name in decades. Not nearly long enough.


Michael Harriot discusses some candidates:

My reaction after reading number 1 on his list:

Sick Burn GIF by MOODMAN


Funny how many Democrats feel just as passionately about not voting for Trump, yet all of them seem to realize that plastering their cars with angry homemade screeds would make them look absolutely unhinged. Mobile pro-fascism billboard cars, meanwhile, are an entire genre of vehicle, with at least one or two to be found in any town. Heck, now they can even buy the Cybertruck to conveniently convey the same general message and ugliness without having to put on a single sticker (though I’m sure that hasn’t stopped some of them).