Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

The bold part is funny, doesn’t he know if his answers are edited?

CBS and 60 Minutes, working with the Democrats, probably did the same thing with the Crooked Joe Biden interviews as they did for Kamala - Changed his answers so that he looked intelligent, which he is not. With me they probably edit my answers to make me look as bad as possible. I have always felt that, but now, with the Kamala Scandal, the worst and most blatant in the history of broadcasting, we have the PROOF that 60 Minutes, and CBS, play DIRTY. Real Creeps!

He’s reaching now.

Today, I am also announcing that as part of our TAX CUTS, we will make interest on car loans FULLY DEDUCTIBLE…

I will cut the price of Energy and Electricity in HALF within 12 months. We will seriously expedite our environmental approvals, and quickly double our electricity capacity. This will drive down inflation, and make America and Michigan the best place on earth to build a factory…


Not all heroes wear capes. Let’s hope her warning goes viral.


Had to look him up, as the name seemed familiar but I could not place him… it’s the operation rescue shithead. :rage: WTF?


wasn’t part of his big tax reform of 2017 making home loan interest ineligible for tax write-off in states like New York, New Jersey and California (among others, but those were specific targets, as he perceives them to be “blue” states)?


And it should be noted that the changes T**** made to the tax code shifted about half of the people who itemized to the standard deduction. That was the part that increased taxes for much of the middle class.


In his Michigan rally today:

Trump: These things were coming cylinders, no wings, no nothing, and they’re coming down very slowly, landing on a raft in the middle of the ocean someplace with a circle, reminded me of the Biden circles that he used to have… then I heard we lost…


I feel like he’s oblivious to the fact that people in the greatest financial distress probably aren’t the ones making mortgage payments on their own homes or financing new car purchases.

Heck, I’m pushing 50 and not even poor but I haven’t owned a single new car in my life because buying one never seemed like a financially responsible option for me.


Yeah, I thought the name was familiar, too, but I wasn’t sure who he was. He managed to get his name on the ballot in 12 states, including NY and New Jersey, so the local broadcasters had to air his ads here, unedited. I understand that FCC rule, but it assumes candidates will be making reasonable ads in good faith, and this asshole clearly wasn’t. We have got to stop just assuming everyone is dealing in good faith, because they just aren’t.


Tv Show Comedy GIF by HULU


they’ll probably blame the irs - as will ■■■■■ - when it doesn’t work out for them :frowning:

( and all these tax breaks only make things more complicated, which only makes people hate their taxes more. i don’t believe in a flat tax rate, but i do believe in a simple tax rate )


I’m no how to get elected expert but I’m pretty sure when you’re in Detroit this is not how you win votes from Detroiters.

“Our whole country will end up being like Detroit if (Harris is) your president. You’re going to have a mess on your hands.”

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan defended the city’s resurgence, noting that Detroit hosted the NFL Draft and has seen a decline in violent crime and increase in population in recent years.

“Lots of cities should be like Detroit. And we did it all without Trump’s help,” he said.

Michigan Democratic Party Chair Lavora Barnes said Trump “always has something nasty to say about places where you find a lot of hard-working Black folks.”


It was a racist dog whistle. He was speaking to the Detroit Economic Club. He assumed everyone in the audience was white.


I’m pretty sure this isn’t what Obama was saying.

Obama admits a total lack of enthusiasm for Kamala, especially with Black Men. I think Obama will be voting for me because he doesn’t like the fact that Kamala is an extremely Low IQ Person!


Who are you quoting?


Given the Low IQ jab, and the “voting for me”, I’m gonna guess Trump.


Ah, after my second cup of tea, I agree.


Just for the record, this is what Obama was reportedly saying:


In the respect that “only” 3 out of 4 Black men under 50 plan to vote for Harris instead of Trump.

Obviously that’s still way too many votes for Trump, but there are plenty of misogynists in the Black community just as there are in every other demographic.

At any rate it’s pretty rich for Trump to crow about how well he’s doing in a demographic that still overwhelmingly reviles him.