Elections 2023 and 2024 (Part 1)

I read/saw what Obama said, I thought it was weird that trump came to this conclusion…

I think Obama will be voting for me because he doesn’t like the fact that Kamala is an extremely Low IQ Person!


His “jokes” have gotten so bizarre. It reminds me of the time my grandfather would pretend to be checking into a hotel whenever he saw me. Then he played a pre-tik-tok prank and tried to spray me in the face with Raid bug spray.

He had dementia. Brain was already badly shrunk with disease by that time as the family was in denial and fought with each other over their chosen realities so he just got progressively nastier and weirder while they argued about whether reality was real and whose fault that was.

Feels like the same thing on so many levels.

I hope we are all reminded of why we don’t do “body of the state” kings in this country… or I guess i hope at least more than 40% of us is reminded.


And also, don’t forget the down ballot choices as well:


And carefully look at those down ballot choices! See if you can find the party affiliation in the races that are supposedly not partisan.


School boards and judges, specifically.


We just had that here, the Rockingham County school board was taken over by far-right nutcases who immediately started banning books and eliminating school psychologists and behavioral support personnel on the theory that they were transing kids in the schools. No party affiliation on the ballot, but the campaign signs made very clear what their affiliation was.


this November, florida will vote on a constitutional amendment to make school board candidates show party affiliation on upcoming ballots (should the measure pass).
not sure if that is a positive thing or not down here, where the reflex for many small-minded folk is to select the (R) over anything. is this a good thing? yes, in that it makes it easier to see where candidates loyalties may lie. no, in that reflexive party-line voting i mentioned.



It looks like a campaign ad has Marge riled up.


Where the hell is MTG getting this “MAGA men won’t abandon you after getting you pregnant!” nonsense from?

Trump and Musk are notorious serial philanderers who have a total of 17 children (that we know of) between them, and only one of those children was born to a woman who is still married to the man who impregnated her.

For that matter, MTG’s own husband left her two years ago.


But IOKIYAR! So there!


Trump and Musk also don’t seem like farmers or builders, and I have serious doubts they’ve carried the groceries even once. Clearly she’s talking about the little people, for whom the rules are always different.


Remember when Vance wrote in his memoir

But it’s the Republican party that’s pro-family…


MTG could very easily be describing Republican Congressman Scott DeJarlais who, among other things, pressured his mistress and ex-wife to have abortions.


It’s projection. Always and ever, it’s projection.


@chgoliz: This one’s for you, not sure how it ended up in Michigan?



If I couldn’t get it, I’m glad someone did!


A democrat has finally responded to the anti-trans ads :roll_eyes:

Anti-trans attack ads have spread across the United States in the last month, as Republicans and Republican-aligned PACs spend tens of millions of dollars targeting Democrats for their support of trans people. These ads have historically failed to benefit Republican contenders, with the vast majority losing their elections after focusing heavily on this issue. As a result, Democrats have largely ignored the ads, continuing to campaign on their key issues. However, today, the Democratic contender challenging Texas Republican Ted Cruz, Colin Allred, became the first major Democratic candidate in this election cycle to seemingly capitulate to Republican messaging, stating in a new Texas ad that he “does not support boys in girls’ sports,” a common Republican anti-trans dogwhistle.

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I don’t know this guy, or if he is worth the benefit of the doubt. I could see this as “trans girls are girls, not boys. I do not support boys in girls’ sports, but I support trans girls in girls’ sports.” But I could also see this as pandering to idiots. :man_shrugging: I very much want to replace Cancun Cruz with a Dem, but I do not want a new ManSinema. I’m in VA, not TX, so it will not be my decision to make. But I do hope my TX mutants can thread the needle.


Re Pres. Obama and certain other Black men: