Elections 2023 and 2024

Okay… wow… the white boy can stay…


Democratic voters are already planning to vote for her, and even if they weren’t it’s not like there was any shortage of Democrats singing her praises this week too.

If the Republicans had a bunch of high-profile Democrats pleading with their constituents to explain why it was critical to the future of the country to vote for Trump you’d better believe they’d be milking that for all it was worth.


I acknowledge all that. However, the convention is the place and time to discuss the Democratic platform and strategy for the future, not the Republican side of things. They had their chance to speak during their own convention a few weeks back. Why give the opposition airtime that could have been used by Democratic voices?

Maybe it’s just me… but I thought the whole point was to illustrate the contrasts and differences between the parties, to say why one is a better choice than the other, why we don’t want what the Republicans want. Having so many Republicans speak muddies that difference, and risks pushing left-leaning voters even further away. :woman_shrugging: But I might be looking at it from an odd angle, who knows.


True. I DO appreciate GOP voices that oppose the turn of their own political party, though. If it convinces some republicans to vote for harris and keeps us from turning into a fascist state, then I’m okay with having a few republicans from speaking at the DNC… :woman_shrugging:


A third party. Which neither party’s leadership is keen on, but which may happen eventually under a Democratic President as more states gradually introduce things like ranked choice voting, and will NEVER happen under a Trump dictatorship. There’s really no excuse for sitting this one out, however you slice it.


Exactly that is why voices from outside are welcomed in. Right now the biggest difference is that the Democratic Party actually listens, accepts differences of opinion and doesn’t demonize the “other team”.

It shows compassion.

It shows that even former rivals are uniting behind their message, that’s how strong they are, and just how dangerous the GOP has become.


The Republicans who spoke at the convention were there to support Harris, not to oppose her. By definition those people aren’t “the opposition” in this election.

The vast majority of the time DNC was used to air Democratic voices, as it should have been. But I see no harm in using a small portion of that multi-day event to make a case for why even traditional Republicans should support Harris over Biden. Even if it just convinces Republican voters to sit the election out, that’s a darn good use of the platform.


It’s not just you. I’m not entirely happy with the appeal to the center-right, either, but I understand why they’re doing it. I’m not convinced they need to, and I hope the Harris administration doesn’t walk back any of the progressive gains of the Biden administration. But yeah, it’s not just you.


If Republicans are allowed in the Dem’s houseparty, there better be a damn good reason. And I agree that there was-- it showed that even some Republicans are fed up with Tromp and recognize him as the fascist narcissist that he is. I saw that as just more support for the Dems’ fight against him, not support for Republicans or their values.


The only part of the schedule that I am not happy with was the exclusion of the Palestinian-American politician. Giving erstwhile Republicans a voice to denounce the Republican candidate was worthwhile IMHO, even if most of the folks who are convincible have already left the party. Giving them some motivation to support Harris is a good thing, and I do not think indicative of Harris’ positions. Disallowing the Undecided a voice was an error, though.


I agree. The shared values those Republicans were talking about were things like “rule of law” and “peaceful transfer of power.” It’s not like any Republicans up there were saying “I support Kamala Harris because I think she will finish carrying out Newt Gingrich’s contract with America.”


If they appeal to the center with a white dad veteran coach veep from the Midwest who’s actually pretty far left in his politics and actions - I can live with that!


I think it was a tactical move. Without controlling the message, Undecided represents the one voice of serious dissent within the party. It would be a discordant note in the well-orchestrated song of the convention.

That said, if that was the cynical decision, then Harris needs to meet with Undecided leadership ASAP and not only hear them out but pledge to make things right.


Ranked choice voting would be even better.

‘PSA’ endorsement from Jason Bateman:


Fact-checking Day 4 of the DNC: Roundup from PolitiFact - ABC News (go.com)

When the most they can complain about is that “We cannot verify that Project 2025 reflects Trump’s actual positions and goals” there is not much to actually fact check. This was an extraordinarily fact-based series of speeches for a political thing.


Ugh the projection is so enraging. It’s your people who marched on the capitol flying the flags of an enemy state. Democratic voters are not like you people because only MAGA is like MAGA and it sucks. Trump sucks. You suck, Scott, for enabling it. These disgusting liars need to have it rubbed in their face till it abrades their defenses.