Elections 2023 and 2024

Not sure if this is the quite right thread for this, but it does discuss the election and leftist infighting…

FD looks tired… I think he needs a hug…


Poor guy. I watched his last video and was inspired to keep my mouth shut harder no matter what mainly because I truly think there are rare opportunities here but holy shit do opportunities usually also come with risk.


Yeah, he’s right on that the nature of these platforms aren’t helping.

People keep talking about how helpful social media is in organizing, but I always think about how, back during the Arab Spring, the final nail in the coffin for Mubarak ended up being when he shut off the internet… people couldn’t just stay in their homes to see what was happening… they had to go outside to see and interact with their fellow activists. That really made all the difference… Honestly, as much as people claim the internet changed everything with regards to politics, what really gets the job done is good, old fashion organizing for what you want to improve. Getting out and doing shit, not just fighting with those you don’t find “pure” enough politically…

Also, he pinned a comment that asked why he didn’t mention Eminem in this video… :laughing:



Follow-up headline:

“Nation’s Ketchup Supply In Danger: Excessive orders from Mar-a-largo endanger condiment stockpile”


The DNC had more viewers the first three nights, too, according to TV Insider:

The first three nights of the DNC were, viewership-wise, remarkably consistent, with the first night with Joe Biden as the closing address drawing in 20 million (compared to 18.1 million for RNC) the second with Michelle and Barack Obama ticking up with 20.6 million (compared to RNC’s 14.8 million), and the third with VP hopeful Tim Walz earning 20.2 million pairs of eyes (versus RNC’s 18 million).

But night 4 is going to hurt TFG the most! :tada:


Weird, because the other side has a guy who is literally a celebrity as their candidate, and the sainted hero they claim was also an actor… :thinking: I guess I get his point, but I also trust people in small towns to make choices based on something other than… vibes?

I do think that the “coastal elites” vs. the “heartland common man” narrative has run it’s course, and we should probably think a bit harder about the actual divisions that exist in our country, and why they exist… :woman_shrugging:


The Democrats brought in the biggest superstars of their own party, prominent Republicans endorsing Harris, two former Presidents, Oprah, Michelle Obama, and a panoply of musical legends who turned even the ceremonial roll call into a celebration for the ages.

The Republicans brought in Hulk Hogan.

You’d think a guy who basically built his whole brand around constantly getting himself on TV would be better at this…


And fucking Kid Rock…


Eh. The GQP brought in their biggest superstars, too. The ones still willing to associate themselves with the party, anyway.


George W. Bush is still in good health but had no interest in speaking up on behalf of his party’s current candidate.

I know we have all become numbed to just how far Trump has transformed the Republican party into his personal death cult but it is really weird for a candidate not to secure the endorsement of their own party’s former President.


Grievance politics.

Donald did everything he could to get famous. He talks about celebrity and entertainment when he also talks about politics a lot of the time. For years he tried to integrate into Hollywood. These days he pals around the same circles as Kevin Sorbo, Kid Rock and Rob Schneider complaining about how they no longer get their due. I’d be lying if I didn’t mention how much Donald tapped into peoples’ resentment of celebrities especially from people who live in small towns.


Super weird!


Or that of his own former VP.


It’s just weird that people can’t see how he’s keen to be part of elite worlds, while railing against said worlds. But I guess if they’re only watching right wing friendly channels, they’re not getting the real story on Trump…


He hangs out in and owns country clubs, sits on golden chairs and shits in marble toilets. His supporters really don’t care so much about that fact so long as he goes after the others unfortunately.


I mean… true. They want him to hurt the people they hate…


More Stacey Abrams!!!


part of his false image is that he made it big himself, by being “smart” and making the right “deals”

elitists are people who are educated, use inaccessible language, talk philosophy and ideas; he uses “savvy” and “street smarts” bullying people to get his way while not working too hard himself. the former is considered bad, the latter good.

i think many of his supporters want to be him, and imagine they can play the lottery, get rich quick, and have golden toilets of their own