Elections 2023 and 2024

Remember Trump’s asking why we don’t nuke hurricanes? He would have probably tried it for real “just to see what would happen”.


Well, yes, it IS good timing for the purposes of the union, because if it goes on for more than a week, it will impact the holiday shopping season. From what I’ve heard there has been no real negotiations for weeks between the Union and the companies.

That being said, it very well COULD be a double motive at play. But we also know that unions will throw people out on their ear for working against the interest of the Union.



Chris Hayes should know better than bothsidesing fascist talking points.


so she moved items off the shelf and took a picture? sigh doesn’t she know that’s what photoshop^h^h ai is for?




Michael Marcavage, director of the
Christian evangelical organization Repent America, evoked apocalyptic4
themes alluding to God’s final judgment of sinners when he stated,
“Although the loss of lives is deeply saddening, this act of God destroyed a
wicked city.”5 He also expressed the hope that “[f]rom the devastation may
a city full of righteousness emerge.”6 In a similar vein, Rev. John Hagee,
founder and senior pastor at the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas,
a nondenominational church with over eighteen thousand active members,
maintained that God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans.7

I can’t even make myself paste-in their… words. They invoke Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, et al. It’s pretty much exactly what the Onebox is displaying. Ugh.



to these backward tribalists, AIDS was “god’s punishment to homosexuals”.
natural disaster as god’s supposed punishment to the unrighteous?

if Irma was divine retribution, then i apologize to everyone, for it was I, FloridaManJefe, whose debauchery and denial of that “god”, what brought that horrible storm on my beloved neighbors and my home.

if “god” hates these places, why does it seem that much of the affected parts of the path of destruction goes right through some of the most right-wing-christofascist areas of the country?
please don’t @ me for some “broad-brush” swipe at the very part of the country that i, myself, live in. i am well aware that “not all southerners…” so save it.

I do not, and will not, EVER accept this shit.


Happy Married At First Sight GIF by Lifetime


I hear you.

I got a real dose of what you’re talking about when I was standing in line to vote in the Texas midterms (2022). Also in line: two Texas women who just couldn’t shut up about divine retribution for Austinites (who have such a bad reputation with Texas MAGAs / christofascists). They were discussing when Texans froze to death during a brutal winter storm. The illogic and ghoulishness are beyond my comprehension.

I actually left the voting line in disgust.
I went back to vote about an hour later.

People who claim to know what divine retribution truly is will find out soon enough.

I will never believe as they believe.
And may I remember to stay human. No matter the cost. No one can take that from me.


May Mexico be showing us the way!

Sheinbaum sworn in as Mexico’s first female president, vows ‘it is time for women’

MEXICO CITY, Oct 1 (Reuters) - Claudia Sheinbaum was sworn in as Mexico’s first woman president on Tuesday, vowing to bolster women’s rights and ensure that Latin America’s No. 2 economy remains a secure destination for international investment.

Sheinbaum, a 62-year-old scientist and former mayor of Mexico City, took the oath of office and received the presidential sash in a boisterous ceremony in Mexico’s Congress, which marks the start of her six-year term.

By Diego Oré and Cassandra Garrison

October 1, 20243:24 PM PDTUpdated 2 hours ago

(being an old nerd m’self, i really appreciate the “scientist” aspect as well)


It occurred to me this morning (I’m quick like that) that “rich & entitled asshole who hurls invective, some aimed at the rich & entitled, while pretending to be one of the hoi polloi” could also describe Osama bin Laden. FWIW.


Also Donald Trump and JD Vance.


Oh sure, any number of them, e.g. Cruz, Hawley (not so much born w/ silver spoons - at least, not like Trump & Musk - but rather, saying what they say w/ their Ivy League degrees)


So, turns out the supplies Il Douche “trucked in” were actually provided by Samaritan’s Purse. He claims to have “partnered” with them, with no details of what that actually means. It’s run by William Graham III, which makes it suspect in my mind, although it apparently has a pretty good rep.


Finally, we were taking a different route back to the campground and saw this display.

There were more signs but we were on a narrow shoulder of a 55 mph highway.


I live in the NYC tv market. He’s not wrong, actually. The ads are pretty disgusting, from both sides. I can’t even tell which ones are the Republicans and which are the Democrats, because they’re all selling the same fucking message. “CRIME, OMG! THE BORDER, OMG!” It’s pretty bad.