Florida GOP candidate threatens to have opponent killed in secret recording: "She's gonna be gone"

And an immediate investigation started as to whether he does or does not have Russian and/or Ukrainian criminal connections. If so, how does a prospective GOP candidate come by these connections? Is it just him or through the party? Which other prospective GOP candidates might be under Russian/Ukrainian influence?

I don’t care if he’s probably just full of crap. The last President was an object lesson: the next candidate we underestimate is going to be far worse.


Great, just what we need, add the Qnutology cult to the Scientology cult.


Absolutely. He literally said he’s not joking and then later emphasized that he was “dead ass serious.” Easy restraining order next week. And great evidence of multiple crimes. His protests that it’s not his voice (or if it is it’s been altered, and anyway the owner of the voice was illegally recorded… :roll_eyes:) are not going to help him. Guys like this don’t realize that obvious lies just hurt their credibility.


I knew nothing about her too, so I did a little searching and came to the conclusion she’s an actor.
This is an interesting read.
I like this bit:

The journey from Anna Paulina Mayerhofer to Anna Paulina Luna, from “avid supporter" of President Barack Obama to swimsuit model to conservative firebrand, has been rapid. The evolution coincides with her decision to challenge Crist in the district that covers southern Pinellas County.

There is also this:

“I’m able to take on different personalities depending on what image I am going for. I think getting into character of what you are selling is super important.”

From which I reached the conclusion she’s playing the role of “conservative” to gain employment as a congress person.
Not that any of that means she deserves this sort of treatment.


Is it really a threat if you don’t communicate it to the person in question? This seems more like conspiracy to commit murder.

If nothing else, it is a threat now, as his potential victim has surely been caught up to speed.


boris and natasha


It wasn’t that long ago that cheering too loudly about your own primary victory would cause you to be deemed unfit for office.


He was saying this to a supporter of the victim and lumping her in with the people who he was threatening - unless they changed sides. He had good reason to think it would get back to his opponent. So threatening multiple people.


Admittedly, that does seem to add credence to the “the tape was altered” defense.

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Either way, a clearer example of the true threat doctrine is hard to imagine. Scumbag belongs in prison and I hope he gets there.


My understanding is that to convict on a conspiracy charge requires the prosecution to show that at least two people agreed, however tacitly, to take concrete steps toward committing a crime, even if they didn’t explicitly agree to commit the crime itself. So this will probably hinge on whether he actually does have any accomplices.

I’m hoping that since this is an explicit true threat of one political candidate against another, that he’ll be investigate by the FBI who will hopefully search for any evidence of conspiracy. But even if he’s full of shit, I’d still think it passes the true threat doctrine and be a prosecutable offense.

Here’s hoping he keeps running his mouth to the press and undermining any defense strategy. :pray:


Shrub was worshiped a bit. Remember “Jesus Camp”?



I think the Bushes and Reagan wanted to be respected and loved, and there’s a hell of a lot wrong with them and their world views, certainly, but they didn’t want to be a cult leader. They talked, generally, more about the country then themselves. Trump is damaged enough that the presidency is about him, and his elevation, how he’s running the country is more of an afterthought, though of course he’s the only one who can do it, and he’s better than everyone else. Even if you think, yeah, I could shoot someone in public and my people would still love me, how sick a fuck do you have to brag about it like it’s a good thing? Here he is, not praying with people, but accepting their worship.


But I think the Bushes and Clintons laid the path for Trump nonetheless. The problem is that they may have talked about the country more than themselves, but their actions reinforced the perception that they acted more for themselves than for the country. Them and everyone in congress. When Trump came along and openly acted out of self-interest, a very large portion of the population - even people who were against Trump - thought that’s just what politicians do.

So the fact that Trump didn’t bother to cover up self-interested behaviour may have been sort of shocking, but the fact that Trump engaged in self-interested behaviour wasn’t disqualifying.


drumpf would not be able to make a spiritual pilgrimage without a golf cart and a couple of cases of diet coke.

Say what you want about the Nazis, but at least they made their The Night of the Long Knives run on time. /s


Maybe true. Bush and Clinton were certainly not close to being the first presidents who were accused of acting in self-interest, goes back to the earliest times. Black Americans of Washington’s time likely saw him acting more in his interest then theirs.