Fuck Today, Continued

Good. That’s awful and your boss needs to be dunked on his ass.


Trouble is I am very good at internalising the kind of “argumentation” he is using. He claims his ‘critique’ is in fact support. Basically,: so I can correct my failings and face reality.

I see my own failings, and I am trying to work my ass off, and to change myself. Hack myself. Address it as a mental disorder, and getting treatment. I need to be careful to communicate what’s important here, and not get sidetracked by talking about these aspects. The issue is that I am devalued, as a person, by this kind of behaviour on his part. I try to stick by this, but it is hard to keep it up when iI, indeed, feel that I am failing.


You probably don’t need to hear this from me but there are ways to address an employee having problems without attacking them. I don’t know your situation and I don’t want you to have to dwell on it during your time off but any supervisor telling a report that they are on their own is a huge failure as a boss. If a problem is not a firing offense, on the spot, it is a supervisor’s job to work and help find a solution.


Since infants are passing microplastics in their feces, that means the gut could be absorbing some of the particles, like it would absorb nutrients from food. This is known as translocation: Particularly small particles might pass through the gut wall and end up in other organs, including the brain. Researchers have actually demonstrated this in carp by feeding them plastic particles, which translocated through the gut and worked their way to the head, where they caused brain damage that manifested as behavioral problems: Compared to control fish, the individuals with plastic particles in their brains were less active and ate more slowly. . . .

In the meantime, microplastics researchers say you can limit children’s contact with particles. Do not prepare infant formula with hot water in a plastic bottle—use a glass bottle and transfer it over to the plastic one once the liquid reaches room temperature. Vacuum and sweep to keep floors clear of microfibers. Avoid plastic wrappers and containers when possible. Microplastics have contaminated every aspect of our lives, so while you’ll never get rid of them, you can at least reduce your family’s exposure.

(Also, TIL what meconium is.)


I haven’t seen any of the articles about this mention pacifiers, but I would assume that would be a huge source of ingesting plastic as a baby/toddler.


My congressman also voted present… I guess that’s better than yes. :roll_eyes:


That worries me, because it suggests someone got to her in some way.


Turns out I have fibromyalgia. Just to add to the hot mess of medical disorders I have. Oh yay for me.


I’ve struggled with multiple medical problems, and a few years back it seemed like they were just piling on.

You Got This Hang In There GIF by Mochimochiland


Or maybe she has options that aren’t always perfectly in sync with whatever the progressive hive thinks. I was waiting for her to do something that her worshippers disliked. How soon will she become a fallen angel?

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Oh, I feel for you! (Quite literally, as I also have fibromyalgia.)
Save your spoons and wear comfy clothes.


That wasn’t someone who is worried she’ll anger her constituents; it’s someone who voted against her conscience for some reason.


I’ve seen speculation that she did so to improve her chances at a senate run. Including in that Jezebel piece, which says,

AOC reportedly broke down crying on the House Floor after changing her vote from “no” to “present” at the last minute, which many reporters speculated was a necessary strategic move to position herself to run for Senate in New York. (The congresswoman said earlier this year that she’s “trying to decide” whether to mount a primary challenge to Sen. Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in 2022.)


work frustration GIF


Feces from six one-year-old infants and meconium specimens from three newborns from New York City were collected as part of the New York University (NYU) Children’s Health and Environment Study (CHES) in 2019. CHES is an ongoing, clinically enrolled, longitudinal cohort study of pregnant women and their children that is part of the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO) program.[(22)](javascript:void(0):wink: Samples from infants and newborns were from diapers. For meconium specimens, the newborn’s first diaper with stool was collected

(from the cited paper)

I have to wonder if there was an effort to correct or compensate for the plastics contributed from the diapers themselves.

Efforts were made to exclude meconium and stools that came in direct contact with diapers during the transfer of samples from diapers.

This makes me think perhaps not?

Potential contamination of PET and PC arising from diaper samples was a concern, and efforts were made to remove the outer surface of feces that had come in contact with diapers. It is worth noting that most diapers are made of PP on the side that comes in contact with infant’s skin,[(24)](javascript:void(0):wink: and therefore, PET and PC contamination was expected to be insignificant. To ensure the accuracy of the analytical method, we tested the depolymerization efficiency of alkaline digestion by fortifying PET and PC granules in feces samples. The recoveries of PET and PC fortified into feces samples were >95%.

So maybe, but still questionable. Are there microplastics in baby poo? Unquestionably yes. At this stage, they are everywhere. But I am not certain this quantifies as well as it is might.

Microplastics in meconium is a whole other animal. Meconium is formed in the womb, prior to exposure to the outside world. So this:

Among the three meconium samples analyzed, we detected PET MPs (12,000 and 3200 ng/g dw) in two samples and PC MPs (110 ng/g dw) in one sample (Table S4).

Is a bit startling if it holds up.


It sucks, but if voting “present” instead of “no” on a bill that was guaranteed to pass anyways means she might get to oust Schumer, then fuck yeah.
Let’s just hope that if she succeeds, she will not continue down a slope of moral compromise.


I am just wondering what sort of control one would want for the meconium.

Having adult poop of known micro plastics deposited in diapers does not get the stickyness right.

Pristine plastic free materials for a diaper?

I did not go back as far as the real article - I assume they did not do maternal blood levels of micro plastics.