Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

Sounds like the Tea Party is bumping off the chairman of the House Ways and Means committee tonight too?

(or at least, forcing a run-off)

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The Tea Party are basically Maoists at this point. Brady is a flipping right-winger, but he failed the ideological purity test.


At least Bernie won the Colorado caucus, so the cow will be happy about that.


So, Vermont, Oklahoma, and Colorado… ?

And Minnesota. And pretty close in Massachusetts, although he should have won that one.


I saw it was literally like 5 votes difference in MA. I guess we’ll see tomorrow what the delegate count was and if there is any hope left…

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Hey, Rubio won a state!

This is funny too.


The lone Cruz supporter responding to the first tweet was especially entertaining.

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It was more. Hillary took Boston by about 15% which means the rest of the state. Although it will be about even for delegates in MA.

But again, it ain’t over till the last dog dies.

Some days I still have hope for the politics in my state.


No apologies necessary :smile:

Although Sanders won the Democratic primary here (and I helped!) I assure you that in the general election, the Republican candidate will carry the state.

Exactly who the Republican candidate turns out to be will not matter in the least :cry:


Republicans getting out the vote:

The Trump effect?


[quote=“daneel, post:315, topic:65103, full:true”]The Trump effect?

And the theocrats out for the court, and the Confederates out to celebrate the end of Obama.

It’s going to be a banner year for hateful fuckwit turnout; unless the Democrats match it (:cough:Bernie:cough:), we’re all screwed.


The Guardian has cool video gamey pixel gifs of each candidate

I’mma steal them like they are garden gnomes


The Cruz one is…weird. Looks more like Travolta.


Aww. No Christie or O’Malley. I thought they had those.

Assuming Clinton takes the primaries (which seems likely, though it’s not a given), and assuming she wins the general (which also seems likely, though it’s not a given), how long after the election do you think it would be before the House started impeachment proceedings?

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Republicans started grandstanding about impeaching Obama before he was sworn in.

In other news of how deranged the GOP in Texas is:

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