Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

Kind of strange how the video went “private” or whatever shortly after I linked it here. So even if one signs in, still can’t see it.

Don’t know if it’s censorship or some bullshit HBO/Google DRM maneuver. It’s often hard to tell the difference.

Trying again:


Bernie Sanders won the first debate:


I left a special message.*

#####* “Love and kisses, from your biggest fan. <3 Cowicide.”


No, he didn’t!!! Hillary did. Just read today’s headlines.

But wait, if she won the debate but didn’t get the bump, and Bernie lost the debate but got the bump, did he really lose the debate? Wait, is this doublespeak right in our faces? Why yes, yes it is. Two-faced rip-roaring bastards, these newsholes are!!!


Holy shit - fifteen million viewers makes that easily the most-watched Democratic debate in history?

I love that graph of the post-debate Googling… America seems to be waking up and taking notice. About fucking time… while they’re at it, I hope many also notice the desperate, brazen bias of the MSM and start taking that fucking shit with a grain of salt.


Bye-bye Jim, we hardly knew ya.

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Stay classy, Jeb:

“I saw that there is a Supergirl on TV, I saw it when I was working out this morning,” he responded. “There’s an ad promoting Supergirl. She looked kinda— she looked pretty hot. I’m looking forward to that.”

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For future reference


Popular GOP Mag Gives Hillary A Sexist Nickname, Calls Bernie A Nazi

In an article published Monday, entitled, “Bernie’s Strange Brew of Nationalism and Socialism,” the National Review broke out of whatever paper-thin cage of civility its editors keep it in. It also kicked off what is likely to be a very long year of childish, non-sequitur attacks on the major Democratic presidential candidates by right wing media. The article is focused on Bernie Sanders, but hits both Sanders and Hillary Clinton below the belt. The main thrust of the article is that Bernie is peddling “national-socialism.” Ya know, like Hitler did.

Is anyone bothering with the debate tonight? I’m kind of burned out on seeing how awful the Republicans can continue to be, but maybe since Carson is leading now, apparently, someone might call him out on his awful shit.

I wonder if he’ll turn up sedated again?

This is funny:

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Undecided. My usual viewing partner is out of town, though did threaten to make me co-watch it over skype. I agree, though, I’ve had near my fill of schadenfreude of the circus that has become the GOP.

EDIT: CNBC is not offering free online streaming. So I guess that’s settled.

EDIT2: dumbass me kept looking and found a periscope just in time to hear Lolsey Graham’s “open hand / closed fist” cheeseball line.

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I may tune in for a few minutes to see what it looks like. I could practically hit the venue with a rock from here.

There’s some local politics as the university hosted the debate for PR and only 150 tickets are going to anyone involved with the university, including a handful of students.

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How about a pie or 8?


Hmm. CNBC wants me to set up an account to watch their “free” live stream. No, I really don’t care that much.


Several people are streaming over periscope. Twitter search for “periscope debate.” Unclear if CNBC is trying to take them down, but it’s a pointless game of whack-a-mole for them.

This site purports to stream the audio, but it didn’t broadcast the B-team.

These live comedy shows are not usually very good.

And I liked last season’s cast better.

Mitt Romney was such a great villain, and Herman Cain was hilarious.

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Is Trump posing like Mussolini on purpose?



Great minds think alike; fools seldom differ.

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