Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

It’s possible they’re trying to pull some Republican voters offside. If 269 voters vote Trump, and 255 vote Clinton, it isn’t a Trump victory - the Presidential vote goes to the House of Representatives and the Vice-Presidential vote goes to the Senate. They may be trying to make the Republicans think that it’s safe for some of them to defect in turn.

How many votes Clinton gets is completely irrelevant, if she can’t cross 270. But if Trump gets drawn below 270, that’s a completely different story.

It’s not going to happen. Trump is going to be confirmed. And, even if neither candidate gets 270 votes, the House will confirm Trump, and the Senate will (probably) confirm Pence.

But it’s interesting to think about, isn’t it?


Seeing some suggestions that what they want is for all the Dem electors to vote for, say Kasich, and some GOP ones to do the same, so we still get a GOP President, just a different one.

Makes no fucking sense to me, but whatever.


Guess what the first 20-fix-teen building bridges article was:

[quote=I did this for ethics in journalism]In a survey, I asked both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump supporters a few questions.

The first question was about whether they believe Mexican immigrants threaten American values. As expected, a greater number of Trump supporters thought that Mexicans are a threat ( ~71% vs. 41% of Clinton supporters).

But, then I asked if respondents believe that Americans who immigrate to Mexico threaten Mexican values. That is, if Trump supporters are “racist,” a similar percent should believe that Americans enhance Mexico as believe Mexicans threaten American values, since racism presumes that some cultures are better than others.

Yet, 85% of our small sample of Trump supporters said that Americans threaten Mexican values (compared to 58% of Clinton supporters). “The American immigrants would want Mexico to be like America,” wrote one respondent.[/quote]

I think someone may have missed the definition of nationalism.


There’s one possible explanation: they’re Democrats. Dems work quite hard to defeat Democrats in every way possible.


If the Democratic party had the kind of unity they needed for that, Obama’s first two years would have been a lot different. There’s no way that anyone but Trump gets over 270 votes. The absolute only possibility for faithless electors to make a difference is if they force a tie.


The elector in the article is a Republican one from WA, so she’s pledged to Clinton.


You’re straight killing me with the Debbie Downer impersonation, today.

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Finally read this and… boy does this play into the stereotypes of 19 year olds getting involved in politics.


Which 30 electors from states Trump won could do. Presumably some of the electors from those states are Dems?


You want optimism?

If there’s an Electoral College tie, the Vice Presidential election is held in the Senate as it exists today (Democratic majority). The USA could get a Trump/Kaine presidency, and if Trump is then impeached…

Best I can do for optimism, sorry.


It’s a tad better than “we’re completely and permanently fucked, so you may as well just end it all now.”

I am aware that’s not what you said or even implied, but I just can’t with this ‘utterly hopeless’ mentality so many people have right now.


You just know Trump is going to point to Clinton getting seven fewer electors from the EC and claim a mandate for Republicans and himself.


A Trump presidency is a Kaine presidency.

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The more recent tweet from that one puts Clinton’s total votes nearly 2.5M over Trump’s.

I’m still holding out hope that the Republican party figures out that if they bite the bullet and tell their electors to vote for Clinton instead, it’s preferable to having the entire party implode completely over the next 4 years. I know the voters can’t think strategically like that, but there have got to be enough old-line Republicans who recognize that winning the battle would mean losing the war.


Kaine was Clinton’s VP pick.

Pence was Trump’s.

I’m saying that in the very unlikely event that enough electors defect from both the POTUS and VPOTUS ballots in the Electoral College, the Democrats in the Senate might well be able to push Kaine into the job.

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The Senate doesn’t have a Democratic majority. Hasn’t since 2014.


Oh. Right.

Never mind, then.

Yeah, I meant Pence. Just typed without thinking, sorry.

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Electoral overturn of Trump in favor of Clinton could easily trigger Civil War.   Rivers and oceans of blood, cities burning, intramilitary struggle for control of nuclear and orbital resources.   Not worth it.

Yeah, I said I’d try to stay out of political threads. Sorry.