"Godless": Trump spokesperson describes Democrats with a slur she says she "wouldn't wish on anyone" (video)

Ugh. As a big defender of Evolution, I hate those guys. I agree with with them about Evolution, but they are just the biggest dicks.


People that proselytize atheism are pretty much as irritating as proselytizing Christians. “I have the TRUTH and I MUST convince you of it,” can get old fast whether they are talking about God’s existence or the hidden truths about engine tuning or diet.



Oh, and ms “sunshine,”


The “religious voters” who vote for bigots and bigoted policies are the bad ones


Nice straw man there… t’would be a pity if it caught on fire…

Except that’s not even the majority of religious voters.

All you’re doing is pulling an us v. them BS that the fascist engage in. Do better.

And again, this isn’t even the majority of religious folks in America… It’s a loud vocal minority, and the fascist group includes quite a few rational, atheist, libertarian techno-dude-bros… :woman_shrugging:




Replace “religious” with “Black.” Does this still sound reasonable? Cops are not a good example because much of the criticism is that the “good” ones cover for and back up the “bad” ones. For “religious,” many of us who I consider “good” spend a lot of our time calling out the assholes.


And it’s hardly YOUR fault that much of the media has decided that the only “true” religious person is a bigoted asshole. It’s not the truth, and it’s damn disappointing that so many of our fellow mutants are falling for yet another lie told to them by the media… :woman_shrugging: Here I was thinking that people here are into critical thinking and nuance… guess for some, I’m wrong on that count.


Nah. Zeus would have used lightning to warn a dangerous heretic to stop fucking around before he found out. Supply Side Jesus™ uses an AR-15, of course.


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I’ve been a lifelong atheist thanks to Dad reading me Greek and Norse mythology when I was very young. Hearing these stories, I questioned why people believed in the Abrahamic “God”, while they didn’t believe in the much more believable Norse and Greek ones.

And nobody was ever able to give me a good answer.

And to be fair to Dad, he let me reach this conclusion on my own, never pushing me one way or the other, just presenting the evidence.

That’s when I realised that all religions are just fiction.

And fiction’s great!
It can teach us many things, and help us imagine ourselves in the scenarios portrayed, and even understand the thoughts of someone from a background completely alien to ourselves!

But it’s silly to go believing in it.

What’s the quote from Sir Terry?
“Most witches don’t believe in gods. They know that the gods exist, of course. They even deal with them occasionally. But they don’t believe in them. They know them too well. It would be like believing in the postman.”


Well the media focuses on the bat-shit crazy racists because they’re frankly more interesting and draw more clicks than plain, middle of the road churchgoers. It’s the batshit crazies that tend to insist “No true Scotsman,” -style that they are the only true Christians. And frankly it is easy, and lazy thinking to think in terms of us vs them and assume that all Christians are racists. I find that I sometimes have to consciously think of some of the genuinely good people in my life and in the public sphere that are devout.


I wouldn’t wish your god on anyone, yet, you & your ilk see fit to impose your god on everyone else.
No, thank you.
Your god is just an excuse you assholes use to justify your fuckery.

Sadly, it was a bad shot, nothing more.
If your god saved Lord Dampnut so he could inflict yet more fuckery on us all, well, that just proves your god is an asshole, especially if that bullet hit a bystander.

I think your god has horns & a tail & carries a pitchfork.


I have also read enough Conan to know that what gods there may be, that they are distant and uncaring…


Dad bought me Conan of Cimmeria when I was 5, and it was the first “proper” book I’d read to myself with no assistance.

He did try to get me into The Hobbit and LOTR after that, but it was already too late.
I think it’s safe to say that Howard had a massive influence on my literary tastes.

I really didn’t understand “The Frost Giant’s Daughter” until a few years later mind you.

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In this country, I’d say between 2-6 million depending on how liberal we want to be with definitions. About 1.5 million identify as actively practicing Wiccan, Pagan, or Heathen, and given the number of places where it’s not safe to admit to something like that, we have to assume there’s at least a few more- I’d peg the real number at around 2.25 million.

Then we’re looking at the stuff that’s adjacent, whose followers wouldn’t call themselves “Pagan”, but which still fall under the polytheistic-ritualistic-naturalistic triad that kinda defines the Pagan/Heathen umbrella. That includes a lot of the New Agey stuff, but also things like Hinduism, African diasporic Voodoo and Palo, Native American beliefs, and “old world” holdover traditions. If we’re lumping all of that in, we’re going to need to double, maybe triple that 2.25 number.

If you are including Hinduism, then the number could be as high as 1 billion. It’s hard to say though, not every Hindu sees themselves as polytheistic.