Guy builds a gadget to blast loud music back at neighbors

True, one can’t be doing that. Hmm…

4’ 33". Cranked to 11.

Alternatively, one can play the third of Erwin Schulhoff’s Fünf Pittoresken at full blast.

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I had some real shitty asshole neighbors who continued to be loud after multiple requests to be quiet, so I eventually too matters into my own hands and blasted some Delta-9

Delta-9 “Hate Tank”

It got to the point where one night I ended up going over and knocking on the door and then almost got in a fight and told them I was calling the cops (not something I really want to do for multiple reasons, but enough was enough). They moved out shortly after… Heh.

Yeah, you clearly don’t know what the phrase means.

Yeah, it works in that it blasts annoying music back through the wall.

And yet, it doesn’t, since the neighbors don’t seem to mind your music blasting through the wall badly enough to stop playing their own music loudly.

Smart guy like this ought to be able to earn a nice enough living to move to a house.

It’s just… oh, never mind. I shouldn’t expect you to understand.

I SAID I’M FINE. Can we just drop it, please?



A cleaner copy?

Buy a house. You won’t be kept awake by loud music coming through your walls.

Perhaps the solution is a lot simpler than that:

I’m days late with this, but there’s always a relevant xkcd.


Living in a house doesn’t mean you don’t get noisy neighbors. In warmer weather we have people on the other side of the street who like to blare their music late into the night, especially on weekends. I usually have to go in to work early Sunday morning, so it’s very annoying. I’ve fantasized “returning fire” with some of my more… interesting… musical choices: Weird Al Yankovic, Spinal Tap, etc. I’d never do it though. (Especially as a good chunk of my CDS aren’t family friendly and we have kiddos on the block.)


No but my neighbor is jackhammering his foundation for three weeks straight to make a new basement… (Not even making this up…)

I did have junkies living in an apartment immediately on the other side of my back fence. After they busted out their windows have domestic disputes (thrown objects, from what I saw), the whole neighborhood within about 200 feet could hear them screaming about:

  1. Drugs
  2. Drug treatment
  3. That whore Tina with whom he slept and betrayed his junkie partner
  4. Lack of love in their relationship
  5. and…more drugs

This went on for about eight months, involving many police calls until finally all of us start addressing them, by yelling, by name telling them to “shut the fuck up!” (which strangely seemed to work for at least an hour at a time)

Luckily, they got evicted eventually.

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You don’t have children, I take it. :wink:


I actually enjoy “The Most Unwanted Song”. Yes, I’m weird.

For reference to the unaware (it’s on Apple Music, too):


Sure, but that “Most Wanted Song” nearly made me claw my ears off.

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Couldn’t agree more. I can “unironically” listen to all 22 minutes of The Most Unwanted Song. The Most Wanted Song gets a skip forward after a minute or so.

I guess Komar and Melamid should have surveyed BB readers.

Bagpipes. The worst noise in the world.

Bagpipes are nothing. Try brass bands.

Maybe the cat didn’t like you taste in music?

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It would be better if it waited exactly 12 hours, then blasted the music.

Nope. Young children in the first 3-4 years of learning an instrument. ANY instrument.


Point. Maybe with an exception of keyboard/synth, used with headphones.

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