Gwyneth Paltrow wants you to squirt coffee up your asshole using this $135 glass jar

I don’t know what kind of magical unicorn piss they put in that but I can concur that stuff is magical for cleaning grease, oil, dirt, etc from skin. And it smells delightful as well.


just by posting this story BB is asking for inappropriate responses. ask any other site manager (?)


Note the bit about “the dose makes the poison”. Very few things are toxic at very low dose; everything is a toxin/toxicant when applied in sufficient dosage.


I think you’re supposed to add liquid coffee (the extraction), not whole beans.

But, if you can convince anyone to buy your bean laden poop, I’m willing to give a civet onesie a go…


Stop trying to blow smoke up my ass!

No way I’d get this many laughs outa myth busters


Is that for washing Goop off your hands?


If one didn’t already have organs in their body with that purpose.

There is no such thing as an effective detox. Quotes or not.


I’ve heard the phrase “coffee enema” before. I always assumed it was a joke, like the proverbial coffee IV.

WTF people.


One pronounced with G like gif, and other with G like gif.


Detoxing is bullshit because the Toxins in question are nebulously defined to the point of non-existence. Any byproducts of metabolism that might be harmful or dangerous if they build up in the body are dutifully removed by your fully functional kidneys and liver. That’s what those organs are for. Even if that wasn’t/isn’t the case (like say your liver and kidneys are not fully functional) . None of the methods offered for “detoxing” are actually capable of removing anything from the body (besides poop, which you’re pretty good at ridding yourself of unaided). The things that purportedly cause these toxins to build up are similarly ridiculous. Negative feelings and emotions. Nearly every food you can imagine depending on who’s talking. Meat, anything that’s not “organic”. Modern medicine, including vaccines and pysch meds. Fucking Ghosts. And not loving Jesus enough. Things generally do not “build up” in the body. The exception are those rare things that bio-accumulate (think mercury) and non of the detox methods commonly advocated can clear that out, or even mitigate the symptoms. And far from giving you a vague sense of ill health, the dangerous ones actively kill you.

So with detoxing people are advocating methods that at best do nothing, to remove things that do not exist from the body. There is no plausible mechanism for any of it. No plausible explanation of what the toxins are, where they come from, why your body can’t clear them. And no plausible mechanism for any of the detoxes removing anything from the body.

And far from being harmless a good lot of them are harmful. The coffee enemas carry a risk of caffeine over dose, water intoxication, hyponatremia among other things. Because your bung hole is very good at absorbing things, especially water. But even if it doesn’t come to that level its profoundly irritating and damaging to the sensitive tissues lining the colon. Some times to the point of chronic damage. Medical professionals general advise not to use enemas, high colonics etc unless its medically called for. As in severe constipation or prep for surgery/colonoscopies.

A girl I new in college did one of those cleanses where by you stop eating entirely. And only consume juices, lemon aid spiked with hot sauce and the like. Along with various supplements. I don’t remember precisely which one. But she ended up with severe kidney damage. And ended up dropping out after a couple months in the hospital.

There are no “toxins” you need to remove from your body. And the methods advocated to removing these undefined things at best do nothing. Not special pads glued to your feet. Not drinking juice for 10 days straight. Not ear candling. Not running Starbucks up your ass. Many of them are actively dangerous.


Sometimes there are, but the natural way of doing it seems to be vomiting, stomach pumping otherwise.


“Elsewhere, reports have linked coffee enemas to burns, infections, sepsis, and rectal perforation.”

Burns!!! :open_mouth: Truly, the stupid, it… well, you get the idea.

When I’ve heard ‘practitioners’ describe how colonic irrigation can flush out fecal material that is very old (and allegedly causing ill health), I’m very tempted just to suggest a nice vindaloo or fahl. Extremely good at cleansing the pipes, just make sure you have the loo roll in the fridge for the morning after. It’s a different kind of burn - a good burn.

I also once had a coworker tell me earnestly that I should never eat pork. She believed that if you poured vodka or other neat alcohol onto a piece of raw pork, worms would come crawling out. Sigh.


I mean if we’re talking literal toxins and poisons. Provided you survive long enough. Rubbing a crystal around your chakras, lighting a cone shaped candle off in your ear, drinking spicy lemon aid. Or shoving some liquid up your ass isn’t going to help much.

Weirdly one of the outgrowths of these things not plausibly being able to remove anything has seen the rise of chelation as cure all and detox. Its the way we treat heavy metal poisoning. But chelation is pretty unpleasant. And it can actually kill you. But now we’re seeing people voluntarily under go it. Routinely and repeatedly as a sort of maintenance therapy it to remove “toxins” or magically cure things like autism. Seemed to start with the claim that mercury in vaccines caused autism, chelation is how you remove mercury. But it just kept going from there.

Its fucking bonkers.

White castle.


Not a restaurant I’ve come across on my trips to the US - I think you’re suggesting i avoid it unless I want said experience.

I also see that the GOOP site resells products from the Organic Pharmacy. My late wife was a fan of them from the beginning, when they were a small store on the Kings Road in Chelsea selling all hand-made “Organic beauty products and cosmetics developed with homeopathic principles and pharmaceutical-grade herbal extracts”.

Ridiculously high prices (which I would always object to), outrageous claims (ditto), but she would never accept that very little of what they claimed had good scientifically tested backing. It seems that ‘fans’ of this kind of thing act like true believers in a religion of woo. She was the clean living one - no alcohol, and regular exercise. Later on, she did start to come around to realising that many of their (and other) products were mostly about the money.

Sadly none of it helped when secondary tumours developed on her liver, from an unknown (and asymptomatic) primary, most likely ovarian cancer as there was history of it on her mothers side. 5 weeks from falling ill to the end, at age 46. And this is
what really triggers me: When I see any of these arseholes claiming any kind of benefit to cancer sufferers.

In the words of the great Dara Ó Briain:

“I’m sorry, ‘herbal medicine’, “Oh, herbal medicine’s been around for thousands of years!” Indeed it has, and then we tested it all, and the stuff that worked became ‘medicine’. And the rest of it is just a nice bowl of soup and some potpourri, so knock yourselves out.”


this is true. how long before ms Paltrow herself appears in these comments and shuts it down

White castle is delicious so far as fast food goes. Total junk but tasty. And the classic example of what real a “slider” is supposed to be (rather than just tiny burgers or sandwiches).

But they call them belly bombers for a reason. I’d recommend trying it if you’re ever in the right part of the US. But keep your windows open and stick near the bathroom for the day.


What do I feel like we are living in an unreleased episode of Absolutely Fabulous when I read the news these days?

They’ve probably sold out.



I was going to do it but then I got into an argument with Paltrow when she heard I like a lot of sugar and honey in my coffee, like what business is it of hers.


Even Patsy and Eddie were never this ridiculous, darling…


Coffee grounds?