Highway to Hell: Trump PAC CEO praises Muslim registry, internment camps

No, probably some are hate crimes, and should be treated as such.

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you said, and I quote:

But yet, you… aren’t.


I’m sure you’ll be keeping an eye on the upcoming German elections. I doubt a Germany where AfD is ascendant would be particularly welcoming place for new immigrants.


I’m not surprised. You’ve shown an unwillingness to accept personal responsibility even when you’re caught lying and there’s no way to confirm your voting record in spite of your support for Trump as the better candidate, but that aside, are those family members who voted for Trump included in your “whole family” that will fight for “women’s bodily autonomy”?


I mean physically. If I see bullying, I try to stop it. I was raised to do so, and I did the same with my kids. There is not much that I can actually do about an event in California, except hope that the perpetrator is prosecuted.

He didn’t do that. He did not say she blamed the loss solely on Bernie. As a matter of fact, he mentioned the other factors she brought up including voter ID laws she partially blamed the catastrophic loss on. You know, everyone and everything except the candidate, the DNC, the media, etc.

You’re doing exactly what you are falsely accusing him of doing.

He didn’t just base his thoughts on poll questions. He also used the logic that Bernie Sanders is, by far, the most liberal senator in Washington based upon his voting record. A voting record that’s clearly anti-racist, anti-sexist, etc. His point also involved the logic that people who support feminists tend to not be sexist and anti-woman.

No wonder you didn’t find the video insightful, you didn’t listen to what he had to say and now you’re eager to distort his message because you don’t like the overall theme.

The truth of the matter is a lot of Hillary surrogates are blaming everyone but themselves and their weak candidate for their own failures. If they don’t stop it, they are doomed to repeat history and we’ll see Trump win again in 2020.

Race and sex were factors in her loss, but the way to overcome those issues is to put forward a stronger candidate in the future who isn’t foiled by being an establishment neoliberal who has too many entaglements to Wall Street money and corporate interests in general.

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Nobody in my household voted for Trump, partly because of women’s issues. My Dad is a Trump voter, for other reasons. I should not have said my whole family. That could conceivably include thousands of people.

Ah. And, of course, given that you’re presently

So presumably in some rural area of NC, outdoors, away from population areas where the very minority Muslim population might be located… Likely while wearing ear protection and carrying noisy power tools…

Well, I’m so glad that so much of what we discuss is theoretical at this stage anyway.

But it’s good to know that, if you saw it, you would intervene. Progress.


Well, I have been deeply unimpressed by your tendency to dismiss every bit of potential significance, but I hope you were sincere when you spoke of your care about people not getting rounded up and ending up in camps. In which case, this is it: the registry and camps are being discussed. If you have any honesty, then this is the thing you are worried about.

By all means, give it your day or two of thought; I think for many the best response will take more than that. And if you’re very optimistic you can hope for Trump to respond to the calls to denounce the notion of internment, and hopefully the registry he campaigned on. But if that doesn’t happen right away, well, this is all the head’s up you can expect. The very next step would be to start drawing up plans, and next to put them into action, if we continue to wait and see.

As a reminder:

Asked later, as he signed autographs, how such a database would be different from Jews having to register in Nazi Germany, Mr. Trump repeatedly said, “You tell me,” until he stopped responding to the question.
For however much we let happen, how much do you think future generations will wonder whether these were warning signs we missed? "First he came for the Muslims, and I said let's give him a chance" is very different from *never again*. We need *never again*. You've claimed to believe in it, and now are working very hard not to.

If you don’t see it, you don’t want to stop it from all of your posts here. Cops killing gets the wannest of shrugs.

You’re most certainly okay with bullying so long as you can compartmentalize it as fake and the victims liars. God knows what your views are on rape statistics.


You’re correct. For a lot of Americans, this will be the first time that they’re hearing about the Japanese internment. But also keep in mind that Max claims that he’s studied historical genocides in connection with his archeological work.


You’d think someone would study a subject to get more empathy to injustice versus a gimmick to refer to in order to give a callous handwave to a fellow human’s dignity and safety.


Your concern for women’s issues now rings hollow given your pre-election statements that the country would be better off with Trump.




Didn’t people have to give up their identities in order to vote from day one of the new government?

And when I say “people”, don’t I mean wealthy white men only?


What you’re describing (and perpetuating) is a feature, not a bug. When you’re ACTUALLY espousing fascist policies, you double down by calling your opponent a fascist. We saw this in the campaign: when Trump said something overtly, objectively racist, the Trump campaign quickly called Clinton racist. There was no substance to it, but it worked like the ablative armor on a tank; it created enough chaos to disrupt the effect of the original statement.

That’s how we get CNN essentially acting as a tool of the Trump campaign - misguided, misapplied “balanced” journalism. They not only give equal time, but equal weight, to what each campaign says. Instead, real balanced journalists do their homework. They call it out when one side or the other is full of it. That never really happened. The best source of news during this election cycle, ironically, was from the comedians. They didn’t have to pretend to be balanced. They could call outright lies by their name.


Strawman is made of straw.


On a side note, that sign font sent me down a (shallow) rabbit hole.

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CNN (or any other ‘news’ channel) doesn’t care about doing an accurate job of reporting the news. They care about eyeballs. Trump made them lots of money and will continue to do so.