How is this Ted Cruz poster not totally homoerotic and weird for a presidential candidate?

What are you talking about? Dropping bombs on people on the other side of the world with no obvious direct consequences to one’s self is awesome!!! Fuck the world!!! Bomb them back to the stone age!!! BEER!!!


That might be part of what people (who might have actually read it) object to. I also think there were some side-line deals, I think worked out with some of the other countries at the table. But what they want is for Iran to completely capitulate. We had to give something, and the more we work within the framework that Iran is a player in the region and not just a rogue nation, the more we’re going to be able to work with them and shift towards trusting them and vice versa.


There’s your trouble. The hawks don’t want that.



No, it is not the Who…


Bobby Jindal was his anchor baby.

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Now do Obama!

I hear your arguments, but you also used qualifiers like saying weak inspections. Why are they weak? Is there any evidence that they would be weak?


Basically Iran is evil, Obama is evil, therefore a deal between Iran and Obama is doubly evil.

That’s the motivation for the Tea Party at least, and since no one in the Republican party is willing to stand up to the Tea Party they’re the ones who write the agenda.

Sure they have “arguments” against it but the arguments are all embarrassingly infantile.


I’ve pointed out that Iran, even with out the treaty, is still a ways off from having enough material for a bomb. They are even farther away from making a non-photoshopped rocket that could deliver it. Their counter theory is smuggling it into the US - even a “dirty bomb”.

I find that highly unlikely. RIGHT NOW - TODAY Iran has military grade explosives, not cobbled together IEDs. Much easier to smuggle since they aren’t radioactive. A dozen guys with back packs could destroy a building or a mall. But for some reason they aren’t doing that here - hmmm why? They don’t even openly attack Israel. Why?

Because for all the saber rattling Iran isn’t completely batshit insane. If they directly attacked the US or Israel there would be severe retribution. They know that.

If their economy actually does go up from the sanctions lift it will make the likelihood of a direct attack even less. Countries where everything is going great don’t typically attack other countries. At least not other countries it doesn’t think it can win against.


Be fair though, the nearly universal opinion, even the labor-left in Israel is against the deal because it means a return of oil wealth to Iran and it’s proxy Hezbula who rocket barrages the north(wholesale evacuation required) every few years even without nukes. It probably doesn’t help that Iran hosts Holocaust denial conferences, invites David Duke, and is very open about actively eliminating the ‘Zionist entity’.
At the middle of the country, just north of Tel Aviv you can cross from eastern border crossing to the Med on bicycle in about an hour or two. Iran is a big country, Israel is a 1-3 small-nuke KO.
There is nothing to be done about the deal but it would have been better to just leave sanctions in place rather than pushing forward for any deal, though eventually like Iraq the lure of cheap illicit energy would have won out.
(edit)The Suni gulf nations, especially Saudi Arabia who financed the Pakistani nuke arsenal, are also against the deal and with the Arab states feeling that Iran will now be able to arm while self-reporting will inevitably lead to nuclear proliferation.

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(Wow, next time I get a fortune cookie, forget about “in bed.”)


I question why my fellow travellers in this thread feel comfortable using what otherwise sounds like homophobic remarks against the American right. I suppose rightists in the US are considered to be universally homophobic excusing the language? I get that this is fun time in our clubhouse, but how can we teach about and fight homophobia when we are using the same language as an insult against those in their clubhouses needing the most education?


There are a couple near the top, I agree, but I think the thread has been mostly off-topic. Iranian nukes and white people tattoos and whatnot.

Totally with you on the post itself though, and especially the title. “Tacky” would have sufficed.


Others have pointed out good reasons, but it’s also worth mentioning the U.S. conservatives’ new allegiance with the hard-right Israeli government. The issue is a dog whistle for evangelical voters, especially Christian Zionists and, ironically, white supremacists.


It absolutely is, which is amazing and wonderful and so gross.


Close, but no cigar…


The Soviet Union lost the cold war because its economy fell apart. The same thing was happening to Iran until Obama decided to save them. The “other” option was never war. It was keep the sanctions and pressure on Iran up to inhibit its ability to spread radical Shia Islam via terror throughout the middle east. Now, Iran will get a huge infusion of cash to build and support terror and evil regemes like Syria.

You are right. The other option is to let Da’eesh take over, a far more evil regime than Iran or Syria (not that I don’t hate them too). Or is there someone else out there to take over who I don’t know about? The PKK and associated groups only want a united independent Kurdistan so they don’t count.

Arguable the kind of Islam Saudi Arabia is promoting is at least as displeasing as Iran’s interpretation. A case of our bastards vs uncontrollable arseholes?