How is this Ted Cruz poster not totally homoerotic and weird for a presidential candidate?

Wow. Now all those anti-gay marriage republicans won’t even have to hide their gay porn!


Cruz supporters probably think it’s a cool image of someone who doesn’t take himself too seriously. The same people would probably shit themselves and yell how unpresidential Obama is if his campaign had done the same. Tea Partiers ain’t exactly the most consistent bunch, if you hadn’t noticed. They tend to think with their hearts before their heads.


Well, Obama is already good looking so, fap material I guess?


He should record an album. Look what it did for Pat Boone.

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I am deeply concerned by the use of Algerian.

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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. What evidence do you have that sanctions were effectively toppling the Iranian regime via their economy? None. There is no evidence that sanctions did anything to the regime and strengthened our position with them. The evidence is that the Iranian leaders solidified their regime into a hard nugget of hard liners, ready to ride out infinity, spewing hatred towards Israel and the U.S. and trying everything to acquire nukes. This new treaty may give us a better wedge to get in there and change ideologies. You don’t know if it will or it won’t. But one thing is certain, it is a change that replaces the insanity that’s gone before it.


Ah, it sounded like you were implying that Obama would get a pass while Cruz gets mocked.

This. This exactly. The GOP/conservatives are freaking out because, in this rather glaring example, diplomacy worked and brute force–for the last how many decades?–did not. They want to complain about the finer points of the deal without also recognizing that this deal was made between the US and five other world powers, so compromises are clearly the rule, not the exception.

And this is where I view the GOP/conservatives with a great deal of distrust. The GOP warmongers who so visibly and vocally detest the deal have failed to offer any workable solutions other than “my (US) way or the highway”. Certainly they must understand there’s no way in hell the US could achieve a unilateral agreement with Iran over this, and besides, a unilateral agreement does not and would not have the same level of international support as one made between seven international parties. Similarly, Cruz and Huckabee must, MUST be smart enough to understand that the jailing of Kim Davis b/c of her refusal to provide marriage licenses to same-sex couples was NOT judicial overreach or the tyranny of the masses or an attack on the religious liberty of Americans.

In both cases, the GOP is pandering to the populist conservative nationalist who doesn’t give two fucks about compromises or diplomacy or nuance of any stripe–there’s no interest in making a good deal to which all parties will abide, they just want the person who can shout the loudest in ordering troops to attack.

Besides, all this talk about the evil of Iran, and how many conservatives will admit that Ronnie RayGun sold them missiles and intelligence? Where was all the “Iran is EEEVIL” talk then?


I don’t know that they do understand that. “Greeted as liberators” and all that - their worldview doesn’t accommodate the concept of the US not being able to swing its military dick around and get whatever it wants. In part, because that would be admitting that they are not the most important thing in the world, which for a lot of right-wingers is their biggest fear.


That’s an awfully charitable way to describe Hezbollah. I’m in favor of the Iran deal, but let’s not pretend they haven’t been actively destabilizing the entire region on a grand scale for decades.

I think this is the crux of it too. Compromise is something women do. Men fight until there’s only one left standing. We don’t want to be feminine sissies, we want to be real he-men King of the Hill conquerors. We are Number One, hey, we are Number One! (Which we can’t be from the comfort of our sofas if there are any contenders nearby.)



I don’t do Photoshop, so have at it yourself:


Desperate to point out “double standards”, paxsimius look towards fantasy, and creates a double standard in his head.

“They ARE equivalent!” he mutters softly, defeated.

Those liberals sure saw the superiority of his views that day.


Are we still talking about Hezbollah?

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Other than funding groups like Hezbollah (which not everyone agrees are an illegitimate organization) and Assad in Syria, when have they actively spread “radical shia Islam” via terror? Can you give us some examples outside of supporting their allies (like them or not)… but I seem to remember after the revolution, them being attacked by Iraq, and their military build up was in direct response to that… and don’t forget we funneled them weapons via the contras.

The Saudis, our BFFs in the region after Israel, are far bigger supporters of state terrorism. It’s their brand of utterly toxic “orthodox” Sunni that is the problem right now.

Also, comparing the Iranians to a power house in world affairs like the Soviet Union is really laughable. Even before the sanctions, Iran was never that powerful a country, even in their region, because they are nearly isolated from everyone else in the region. The Soviet Union, right up to its collapse, was indeed a strong geo-political force, with strong influence the world over.

I’d argue that the Saudis are far worse for regional and global stability. Look at what they’re doing to Yemen, and look at how they’ve exported their ideology and how that’s taken root in organizations like ISIS.


Should we not be? How else would you describe what they’ve been doing in Lebanon and now Syria since 1982? Not to mention that small unpleasantness with Iraq in the '80s.

Wahhabism combined with boatloads of cash and American weapons is a situation the hard-right loves to support and ignore.


It’s up there with Paul Ryan’s selfie app. Why on earth would Cruz put this on his web site?


Have you seen Waltz with Bashir? It deals directly with the impact of the invasion and occupation, through the eyes of an israeli soldier, whose since blocked much of what he saw.

They were founded (and funded by Iran, yes) in direct response to Israel occupation of south Lebanon:

Right or wrong, desperation begets such organizations.

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I couldn’t find it on his website–I have a nasty suspicious mind and actually looked at the “Apparel” category in his store. It’s not there.

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