Humiliated Trump issues ultimatum to GOP: pass healthcare act now or I'll never repeal Obamacare

Has nothing to do with birth control, it’s the fact that a woman can have sex without a man’s permission that the TGOP hates.

That is why this country is screwed up.

Exactly. And they would be ripped to shreds and lose their power in no time flat. And then maybe…MAYBE the people will realize how things can change for the better.

Can’t someone just put a bullet in his face?

This is why the TGOP and right wing dipshits don’t get single payer health care. They think that getting that means you lose the other choices. No, it means everyone gets a basic level of care and if you want to pay more, then knock yourself out Skippy.

Won’t happen. WalMart and Amazon and all the other companies that rely on part timers will fight it every fucking step of the way to avoid losing any money.


Well if they need birth control, they’re getting the assent and cooperation of a man…


Who said anything about permission?

It’s about a woman being forced to have sex when a man wants her to and then she bears all the consequences.


They do not see women as needing birth control. We should be punished for sex, even if it is forced on us. We are the root of all evil.


Pretty sure you’d still need at least one man’s permission, at least if birth control were necessary.[quote=“cameronh1403, post:81, topic:97607”]
Won’t happen.

But could happen. Should happen.

And it was all gonna be so easy! The plan to “repeal and replace” in one day! Defeating ISIS! Bringing American manufacturing back! You just… glower and wave your hands around… and it’s done!


As I see it, the problem comes down to this; providing effective healthcare to everyone cannot be accomplished through private insurance. Yet, private insurance companies pay politicians quite well to craft laws for their benefit.
If we actually had a strong man for a leader like Trump pretends to be, we might have had a chance for something good. But with this paper tiger, it’s not going to happen.


Floreat Etonia! Because that’s where it comes from. Eton is the school that ensures the thick get into smart regiments who will obey orders to ride towards the cannonfire, and it shows. If the enemy shoots at you, just ride straight towards them. It lost us an awful lot of people in the Crimean War, the Boer War and two World Wars, but we won all those, didn’t we?
On topic, the Forbes article referenced above explains it well. The system has resulted in socialism for the rich. Relatives of Conservative MPs even get their unprofitable farming paid for by the taxpayer. The most expensive cars are hybrid or electric and pay little tax. Their houses are “corporate assets” and so avoid various taxes. It’s working well…so long as the sheep with votes are persuaded still to vote for them.

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I’m pretty sure that Making A Deal and Getting Things Done is easier if you don’t start out by making sure that you’ll never get any votes from 44% of the House.


Google Horst Wessel to understand why this is a bad idea (it was part of Breivik’s fantasy that he would become famous the same way.)


What? That’s crazy talk? Women can’t do that, that’s mens place!!! /s


we don’t need a martyr of him. That would make things worse.

But he can’t do that, because he will lose votes then.


Serious question: what do people like your family think “socialism” is?


…yes. The only way to logically explain some people’s attitude is that they believe that children are a punishment for sex…Which is a HORRIBLE way to think of children.


That might work if he had bigger hands.


Taking money from ‘hard working’ people and giving it to ‘weak’ and ‘leeches.’


What do they think of countries like Canada or even more socialist, like Sweden?


Those places are terrorist hellholes!


Childbirth is a punishment for sex. Children are miniature angels.