Humiliated Trump issues ultimatum to GOP: pass healthcare act now or I'll never repeal Obamacare

I’ve always been partial to the “wheels”.
Go google angel + wheels, I’ll wait.

(The dictionary of angels is fascinating reading!)



In other words: city people aren’t real Americans. You can trust small-town folks, but city people are shifty crooks. I’m not picking on your family. This, of course, is a common idea among Republicans.

Oh, so he just doesn’t know what therapy is. At least this problem has a simple solution: he can find out what therapy actually is.


He said, I think in that Time magazine piece that he doesn’t know what he needs congress for.

Yeah, the dick-head that took all the credit for catching the Green River Killer. Credit that he barely, if at all deserves.

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I don’t view them as morons, but I DO view them as deserving what they insist upon having.

I have a sister who is a Trump supporter through and through. I understand what you are dealing with in your family. My sister is very smart, but she refuses to see the truth. She dislikes the establishment and is happy to see them get their comeuppance (by Trump getting elected). But she can’t see Trump for what he is. She’s not a moron, but at some point, you have to realize that you can’t save people from themselves. Freedom means the freedom to do stupid things.


Job 15-16
A spirit glided past my face, and the hair on my body stood on end. It stopped, but I could not tell what it was. A form stood before my eyes, and I heard a hushed voice

Luke 2:9
An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.

Psalms 78:49
He unleashed against them his hot anger, his wrath, indignation and hostility— a band of destroying angels.

Revelation 4:8
Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “ ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’who was, and is, and is to come.”

Yeah, I don’t love the sound of having an angel instead of a human baby.


Sounds like Rosemary got off easy, in comparison. :wink:


What’s up you cool baby

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They’re fine as long as you don’t blink.


Absolutely fascinating reading! The Dictionary of Angels is sitting on my library shelf right now and the reason I had to get a copy of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch on interlibrary loan back in the day. Cherubim got such a raw deal once Raphael started painting them.

Obscure apocrypha are so much easier to come by these days.


Could Trump have done this knowing it wouldn’t pass and will use the natural fall of Obama Care as the necessary fuel to prove that it needs to be changed because the “Democrats” were wrong.

So you’re suggesting that Trump’s cunning plan (Let’s call it “Trump’s Brilliant Leadership Is Never In Doubt Plan A”) was this:

  1. Try to pass the AHCA bill, knowing that it won’t pass the house. Withdraw the bill minutes before the vote. Then:
  2. Wait for ACA to “fail”. Look, proof that we need to pass AHCA!

Here’s an alternate plan I’ve just devised. Let’s call it the “Null Hypothesis” plan:

  1. Do nothing, and wait for ACA to “fail”. Look, proof that we need to pass AHCA!

What benefit do you see to your conjectured “Trump’s Brilliant Leadership Is Never In Doubt Plan A”, over the simpler “Null Hypothesis” plan? What advantage would cause Trump to choose to pick your proposed plan over mine? (I mean, apart from the name, which I freely admit is Awesome.)

To an uneducated observer such as myself, it just looks like his “introduce a bill and fail to pass it” step has only proved that his administration can’t get a bill passed, even with it allegedly being a priority, having been a campaign promise, having had seven years of preparation available to work out the details and strategy in advance, and even with his own party in control of both houses of Congress as well as the Presidency. The deck could not be stacked any more strongly in his favour, and he still failed to deliver on that campaign promise.

I’m sure you have more insight than I, though, so I’m very interested in what tactical advantage you’re seeing in that “let’s fail to pass a bill” first step in Trump’s Brilliant Leadership Is Never In Doubt Plan A. I don’t see how that step accomplishes anything, or affects what comes after it in any way at all, apart from making Trump look powerless to get things done?


Fingers crossed…


Maybe that some plans had very high deductibles? But it’s still BS, since people who qualify for subsidies wouldn’t pick a high-deductible plan, while people who don’t can afford the doctor visit.


Well, unfortunately, it involves the democrats actually doing something pro-active. It’s a great idea and they SHOULD do this, but I doubt they have the political will to do this from the top of the party. But I totally agree I’d love to see this…


Not gonna happen. Not-fascist does not mean not-corrupt, and the GOP’s dive into the sewer did not magically transform the Dems into paragons of virtue.

So long as the health insurance industry is allowed to buy politicians, US healthcare will continue to be overpriced and shitty.


You would also have to be taking a whole bunch of teratogens during pregnancy, judging by some descriptions of angels.


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At least you wouldn’t have to change any diapers. Well, maybe your own.