In custody battle, Alex Jones is claiming to be a "performance artist"

Underneath all the shouting, Bill Hicks was basically a New Age hippie.

Alex Jones hates those people, doesn’t he?


I think we should take him at his word and start writing about him as a performance artist.

“The anti-Trump movement is part of a globalist conspiracy to enslave us,” said self-described performance artist Alex Jones.

Maybe his Wikipedia page needs an update. We have the citation.


Yeah, it seems he’s screwing himself over one way or the other, especially if someone presses the issue to the point where he has to personally either admit he’s crazy or a fraud. Hopefully someone presses the issue.


Alice Cooper puts on a show for an audience, then goes home to sleep in a bed, not a coffin. Alex Jones’s political beliefs aren’t abstract or compartmentalized; he really is as deeply paranoid and unhinged as he appears. I don’t know that he’s a bad parent, but it’s really easy to imagine that someone with his imbalanced, fantasy-prone personality (rather than political affiliation) has underlying issues which, at the very least, would undermine his ability to be present for his family. Maybe the leftist equivalent would be a Ken Kesey-type character who is spending a bit too much time on the acid bus with the flower children.

But yeah, that’s just speculation on my part.


Unsurprisingly the Sandy Hook parents have not been amused by this “performance.”


The one who strikes me as less genuine (i.e. more of character) is Sean Hannity. Nobody could possibly believe all the shit he spews. It just can’t be. He’s got to be acting to a some degree. If he tempered at all, his following and ratings would suffer. And he can’t have that now, can he?

Alex Jones makes people like Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly look like reasonable human beings – he’s either mentally deranged or an actor the likes of which the world may never see again.


If Hannity does not actually believe the hate he spews, that’s even worse, as far as I’m concerned.


I think it’s based in a real opinion but then dialed up to 11.


Yeah, it seems that the arbiter of the validity of this claim should be the children.

“Sammy, do you believe that your dad believes all of the crazy shit that comes out of his mouth?”

I have a feeling the answer would be an unqualified “yes”.

Also, what does he think his children will think about this once they reach an age of conscious reflection?

“Daddy loved me so much he was willing to publicly reveal that he was a fraudulent huckster his entire career!”
“Daddy lied in court to keep us away from mommy.”


I mean, how does a mime even have sex anyway. They are probably all like, “oh I’m a mime” *groppy hands


That’s funny. Stern was exactly who I was thinking of when I wrote that.

The critic Laurie Stone wrote about how open Hicks was to criticism, how he wanted to know if his jokes were insensitive or offensive to women and minorities because he didn’t want his comedy to be based on that.

So pretty much the opposite of Alex Jones.


Childhood flashback alert!

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I’m not sure, it seems like they should have access to ideal condoms.


Well… it’s nice that he tells his son that he loves him?

And yet, this conspiracy theory has been around for years:



A friend who worked for the company that produces (produced?) the show said that Alex Jones believed everything he talked about. Obviously, take this with a very small grain of salt, but I have to wonder if the claim of being a “performance artist” in the one which is false.


But Alex Jones’ lawyer argued that “[evaluating] Alex Jones as a father would be like judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in Batman

Except we’ve all seen Nicholson playing other roles. And he doesn’t dress up as The Joker when he goes to a Lakers game.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve never seen Alex Jones being anyone other than “Alex Jones.”


I’m guessing yes. He doesn’t want to lose his kids and he probably wants to stick to his ex. But only he knows for sure.