Joe Biden accused of sexual assault

With Brett Kavanaugh vs Christine Blasey Ford nobody was saying that she had to go sue him: there is no physical evidence - her word against his.
Double standards apply here.
Seems like we need to repeat again: just use the same line of thinking we used back then and we’re good.

That was silly. Christine Ford had an opportunity to give her statement under oath (with penalties for perjury).

Since there is no such hearing available with Biden, Reade will have to sue him to get her statement under oath to the public.

Now that you mention Bernie Sanders, we all remember when Elizabeth Warren claimed he told her in private “a woman can’t become a president”, it turned into a MeToo story almost, CNN, MSNBC all over it: “women need to be believed for reporting these stories”, “it’s brave”… Not hearing that now.

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Yup, that’s what we want, a hearing. Not a lawsuit which will be thrown out in preliminary because of lack of evidence or statute of limitations (in DC 10-15 years).

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I also remember many Bernie supporters weren’t even willing to entertain the possibility that Warren was telling the truth. Including some of the Bernie supporters who are now insisting Biden step down over these allegations.


Not sure what your point is. Warren’s statement wasn’t a MeToo accusation and the kerfluffle is now largely understood to have been amplified into something it wasn’t by CNN. I don’t really see how it relates to this topic at all.


Meaning you don’t want a forum where evidence can be presented, vetted and subjected to scrutiny in a reasonably fair venue for all parties involved. OK. That tells me all I need to know here.

There is no evidence. Both in this case and in Kavanaugh case, zero evidence. It’s just based on alleged victim’s recollection.
One case got national attention with the hearing.
The other case is getting silence.

I don’t know why you keep saying this w/r to Kavanaugh. There was quite a lot more evidence than just Blasey Ford’s (sworn) testimony. There were other women who came forward with accusations, there were people who testified to the FBI that this kind of behavior was common in their circles at the time and that Kavanaugh exhibited “violent drunken behavior”, there was the yearbook page, there was Mark Judge’s book. While this might or might not be enough to convict him in a fair trial, it certainly made those allegations more than just plausible. Biden’s habit of personal space violation is the only thing close, and it isn’t remotely at the same level.

Investigate Biden, don’t investigate Biden, I don’t really care, but not all allegations demand equal treatment, and we shouldn’t fall into the trap of framing this just the way that the right wing would like us to.

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Except there is other evidence. Are the cases different, they obviously are because all cases are different. They, however, are not different enough to explain the media’s polar opposite attention.

Posting link again because it seems to have been forgotten.

I mentioned that in my post. The fact that he is handsy is not corroboration for rape. In Kavanaugh’s case, the other evidence was.


I’ve started to notice amongst my Q leaning friends that this is starting to get linked into the pedophile ring and there’s a lot of “Joe’s a rapist” and “Joe’s a kiddie rapist” coming out.

So I guess, what, the alternative is we just vote for Trump or write Bernie in, right? That’s where this story seems to want us to go.


Writing in Bernie won’t accomplish anything. There is no chance he will get the nomination, and no chance he could beat Trump as a write-in. I understand the desired endgame for Trump supporters and Putin’s pals.


Is that not just a nice word to belittle sexual assault? It sounds a bit like “boys will be boys”

What I find most telling is that the largest news network on the planet has not once even mentioned her name:


It is the word used in the article you linked.

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Yep. I’m seeing this thing as just a scam designed to convince Bernie supporters not to vote for Biden. I mean, you wouldn’t vote for a rapist, would you?

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Wrong. Ford gave sworn testimony under penalties of perjury and several others did so too. If Reade is willing to do the same, then she could find herself a right wingnut shyster and sue Biden. If she isn’t then she will be treated with the skepticism such behavior warrants.

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Well, I don’t know, it might have happened. I think like all such allegations it should be treated with respect. I just don’t see any way that can happen until after the election, and I think the comparisons with the Kavanaugh case have been specious.

Whether it happened or not, it has been cynically made into a political football by the right-wing, left-wing, and Russian media sources, and that is fair neither to the principals involved nor to the American people.

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Fair, I’m being somewhat sarcastic because, well, this timing’s convenient, isn’t it? Like all this huge press and youtube and QAnon pushing started basically right after super-tuesday, and it’s all over the Berniesphere. I’m not saying she was or wasn’t, just, it presents a clear problem to Joe Biden and a clear solution I keep hearing given is to simply elect Donald Trump, or let Joe lose.

It just bothers me that it looks exactly like a voter suppression technique, and It’s probably going to work.