Josh Duggar poses with his important pals

The church knew, so no need to bring in the lesser authorities of the state. Anyway, a pedophile family friend gave young rapey-boy a stern talking-to about not getting caught, so we know he stopped.

If past performance is any guide, they will shortly be proclaiming child molestation as perfectly normal family behaviour, and wondering what is wrong with all those atheists and liberals who don’t rape their sisters.


The headline should be changed to “Self confessed child molester Josh Duggar…”

Help to make it so that every time somone googles his name it auto completes child molester

Make this follow him around forever.


All religion gives shelter and excuse for people like this to do these things and be forgiven with no penalty.

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I could maybe get this comment if they weren’t all clearly shitty human beings but… they are all clearly shitty human beings and so is Josh Duggar.


For those that are defending them NOW that they know, I agree and stand corrected.
But blaming politicians for taking quick pics with people who later turn out to be scum is cheap. No one can vet everyone who pops in for a picture at an event. It’s cheap when it’s done to Democrats and it’s cheap when done to Republicans.

Yep. The Duggars are part of the Quiverfull movement. Right-wing christians who need to “repopulate” the world with “good christians”.

Josh Duggar didn’t seek them out - getting a photo with Duggar is getting an endorsement from the Quiverfulls and other hardcore christians.


Here is Huckabee seeking out Rape-Boy for a photograph, not the other way around.


As a general statement, I would agree with that.

But, as a comment about Josh Duggar’s role in the current political right, it’s a laughably absurd position to take.


But every single one of these politicians are terrible people already. Also, I’m not sure why you feel the need to defend them.

Real human underage girls were sexually assaulted. These guys are scum bags. Why do you feel the need to defend these fucking scum bags?

Ugh, honestly, this makes me sick.

These rich mostly white male politicians will be okay. I promise you. You don’t need to fret about them. THEY WILL BE FINE.

The young victims who were sexually assaulted probably won’t be nearly as lucky.


Their families insisted that they forgive and forget, just as God has forgiven, so they’ll be fine!

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If you don’t see why it’s a problem to try and smear someone who did not know with the crimes of others, I can’t explain it to you.

“But independent of the reality of politicians ‘standing by’ a rapist…”

Long story here … but after I moved in to my current house, about a month after the closing, the prior owners told me they moved because the 11 year old boy next door sexually molested their 7 year old. Just what I wanted to hear, as the father of a two young children. The courts got involved. The kid supposedly got the help he needed at juvi, which is what all parties wanted supposedly vs locking him in the slammer. Court records sealed since he was a minor.

We kept our distance, naturally, as did the entire neighborhood. I figured it was good to know about the molester next door than not know about the molester next door. I am still on guard when he is home - which is not often these days as he’s either in college or just out.

Couple points:
a) I wonder wtf was going on in that house that an eleven year old boy got and acted on whatever idea he had. Was he a victim of abuse himself? Maybe his older brother? Parents? Uncle? Who knows.
b) I cannot imagine him LIVING WITH ME … not sure how these Duggar parents slept at night knowing their own son IN THEIR OWN HOUSE had violated his own siblings. It’s just unthinkable.
c) Supposedly Josh was up front with his future wife about this - wtf man … “I sexually assaulted my sisters when I was 15. We can still get married though, right?”


The problem here is that it’s not the Boingboing bloggers & commentariat trying to tie a bunch of politicians to Rape-boy. It’s those politicians themselves who sought him out, posed with him, did everything they could to associate themselves with his image, in the hope that some of his domestic-Taliban credibility would rub off on them (not to mention some of the money flow he controlled at his ‘family-friendly’ lobby group).
So they got their wish; their reputations are linked to his.


Again…the ones who are currently defending him, AFTER it’s become obvious what he did…blast away. But before it was known, he was simply part of a celebrity family the right liked because they were Christian and anti-abortion.

Only 5.26% of their kids are known child molesters. No need to condemn the entire family.


Now that you put it so pithily, of course you are correct. The whole family should be locked up and perhaps sterilized just in case. They’re obviously all sex offenders as well. As is anyone who posed for a picture with them, or liked anything about them for any reason. How silly of me to think that the perp and the parents who covered for him were the only ones deserving of punishment.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to go figure out which of Ron Blagovich’s crimes to charge Obama with…they were photographed together on numerous occasions, so obviously the President agrees with everything he’s done.

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It’s the specific irony that this guy who was pushing a message that gays and transpeople are all child molesters (and therefore subhuman monsters who should probably be killed) turned out to himself be a child molester.

I actually agree, in principle, with the idea that an otherwise good person can be driven by mental illness to do things they truly regret and later repent of. The problem is that the Duggars and their friends were vocally 100% opposed to that notion until it was one of their own under the glass, and now suddenly they’re all about forgiveness.


And we know that Duggar stopped because the family found a child pornographer to counsel him, and sent him off to buy the church’s silence with manual work for a church elder; while the victims, aware of their inferior status, were browbeaten into silence. Sounds like a totally therapeutic environment.

Good point. How many of Bill Ayers’ youthful indiscretions was Obama charged with? All of them, IIRC, but I may have missed a few.


Animal magnetism.