Justifying police violence, Trump lies about Buffalo man bleeding from ear after police attack

Looking at this from a political strategy (I know it’s Trump, but humor me) what is the risk vs. reward of making this statement? Possibly exposing a crisis actor vs. showing the huge portion of elderly people amongst your supporters that if the police hospitalize a 75-year-old, he probably did something to deserve it?


I have been annoyed, bothered, and sometimes upset at the President’s insane, bullshit tweets. This one enrages me. This one is vile and evil and demented, repeating the propaganda of Russian reporters working for an American outlet to smear an old man who was assaulted by cops.

I don’t know what else to say. He’s evil. We know this. I’m not saying anything useful but simply lashing out at the bleak darkness I feel right now.

Fight on, brothers and sisters. Fight on in the name of all the good people this anal polyp is shitting on.


Rather than focus on all of the other things in :peach::hole:’s tweet that are stupidly, offensively wrong, allow me to just take a moment to welcome that 75 year old man to antifa. We’re glad to have him.


There is literally a pool of blood below Gugino’s skull, but yeah, I don’t know whom to trust: my lying eyes; or the always-reliable news source, a Russian.


Antifa will be holding a leadership meeting on November 3rd, at the polls. All the polling places. All at once.

We welcome these right-wing used jock straps to come and get us then and try to push us ALL down. We’ll be waiting.



Reportedly Don Jr. is trying to buy OANN for the Trump Family.


What happened to this scanning device while the poor guy lay bleeding in the gutter from what looks like a fractured skull? Did it self-destruct IMF style? or was it beamed back up to the ANTIFA mother-ship.
Even if he did have a unknown device in his hands - not trying to return a police helmet as it clearly appears. Where those two cops psychics? is that appropriate force to use against a senior without a moments hesitation?
Then you have all the other officers who walk on by… One guy tries to turn around but was pushed forward by the cop behind who must have spotted the phone and knew cops being seen kneeling over another body in the street wasn’t going to play out well.

This is so nuts.

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In case not everyone knows this, bleeding from the ear is presumptive sign of a skull fracture (as osbald, above, alludes.) No joke, treat it like it’s life-threatening.


I’m very suspicious that trump know the word “provocateur” and spelled it correctly.


It’s clear that Angry Tinkerbell couldn’t have written all of that post, he struggles with any word of more than one syllable, let alone four! I think his nanny was reading it out slowly for Tinkerbell to copy with his tiny fingers, and stepped in for the difficult words.
Personally, I don’t think Tinkerbell writes out all the tweets he’s supposed to, I think it’s an AI bot trained to copy his style, while Tinkerbell’s in his cell fingerpainting the walls with his own excrement.

Yeah, although “antifa are committing suicide to make cops look bad” is kind of a weird bit of support. I guess consistency or logic don’t really factor into though processes this nutty, though.

Pretty fucking disturbing, really.


I might as well be a bot set to random repeat: what a piece of fucking shit this orange ass wipe is!!

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This whole “blame Antifa” strategy is going to backfire soon as these shitbags put too much stock into it. Lots of Trump supporters are unreasonable but i’d say a signifcant amount of “fence sitters” won’t be able to keep denying after repeatedly seeing harmless protestors assaulted by police.

This cultural war is already exhausting for this whitey. Imagine what it’s like for black people.


FTFY. (And the fix doesn’t count toward the eight characters, apparently.)


In fact, a lot of EMTs will tell you in a less-guarded moment that it’s a presumptive sign you’re transporting an organ donor.


There’s some weirdness about the OANN report he’s referencing as well.


I don’t know. Everything he does strikes me as the actions of a little man who wants to bully everyone else.

It doesn’t even take one fake. All it takes is the rejection of truth or reality. And that’s the default state for far too many people.

The only 75-year-old man I’m afraid of is Trump in two years if he’s reelected.

I wish I had half your optimism. Anyone who is still a fence sitter is on Trump’s side for all intents and purposes. If they haven’t moved by now, they won’t. They will be the ones watching as the fascists come for each of us, expecting that they are safe.


$HERSELF informs me (since she’s seen more of the video than I have) that the EMS that the police had brought along [1] were on-scene in literally seconds. One reason the victim is still alive and reportedly stable.

[1] For their own needs. They were right behind the police line.