Kentucky's Noah's Ark religious attraction to open next summer

Yeah hey John wonderful that’s great…uh…can you point me to Gomorrah? Maybe Sodom? It’s by the Gift Center, right? Uh, hey do they sell condom…NO, of course, I knew that already.

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Only if I get paid to go there. It’s off the wrong interstate, too.

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The termites will have it taken care of within a year.

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American evangelicals share a lot with Wahabi Islam, including iconoclasm. Saudi Arabia is building featureless modern brutalist buildings on Islam’s holy sites, IS is destroying Palmyra, and US evangelicals seem to be opposed to all high art and literature. There is the same focus on the literal meaning of texts (and it gets applied to the US Constitution too, as if that was a religious document.)

It is quite different from the Amish, who do not go in for decorative art but who try to make everything in their lives perfection of functional design whether it is a kitchen, a buggy or a farm. The Amish are as mystical as anybody else but align somewhat to Zen. But the people who build churches in buildings like Home Depot and furnish them like a conference centre only with even worse pictures on the walls…I don’t really pretend to understand it but obviously a number of people feel this way and are able to persuade others to do the same.


If it is built properly with salt packed between the planking and the ceilings, they won’t get termites.
But what’s the betting that it is built like a practical ocean-going wooden ship? It would be such fun to find out.

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Yes, but wasn’t Noah mandated to take two of each animal - even the bugs? If the termites can’t get at it, perhaps the carpenter bees? :wink:


Valid point. You got me there. Perhaps the Bible accidentally missed out one of the sons of Noah, Nathan the Entomologist, who invented glass blowing so he could keep all the arthropods safely in jars on board.

You know…I’m starting to get the idea that the compilers of Genesis, when writing all this down, didn’t think it through too clearly. Imagine some Jewish kid, a distant ancestor of Jay Gould perhaps, listening to the story and asking “So what about the bees? Where did they keep the bees? And the frogs - where did they keep the tadpoles? Did they have ponds on board?” And the rabbi says, listen, kid, it’s a story, OK? Nobody could possibly be silly enough to take it literally, not even a Philistine.


I always wondered if it was a flood, why would Noah have to take fish? Wouldn’t they be just fine in the water?


Salt water fish, freshwater fish.
We have to assume that the Flood was fresh water, otherwise nothing would grow on the land after it receded. So Noah would have had to take on board a number of sea tanks, at different temperatures, to hold all the species of freshwater-intolerant fish. And plankton to feed them. The whales would probably be OK, so would the seals and the walruses, they could survive in the fresh water for a while.
But, like I say, I am beginning to be affected by doubts. I must depart this thread before I become an atheist.


Keeping the tropical fish alive must have been really tricky.


Then there’s this:


Surviving, yes, but probably not healthy - I think fresh water will disturb the salt balance and the different density will confuse the movement and sense of balance.

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Ask yourself why we still have lions.


Where did you find a painting of Big Gay Noah’s Big Gay Ark?


I’d remembered seeing it somewhere, so searched noah’s ark two male lions and found it on this Reddit thread.


I’m a little suspicious now, as I can’t seem to find any variations of the image using either Tineye or Google reverse image search. A few sites mention it as being from “the illustrated children’s bible” by Arcturus publishing, which is clearly not one they offer judging by their Amazon page.
It looks like a 70s pic, but if it were real there should be variants, yet it’s the same identical image everytime.
And I think I remember watching it on QI initially, which is good, though not always accurate.

I can’t find any either, although it isn’t the only example of that mistake:

This one did it at least seven times, although it was for a good reason…

I also found these two lions who were clearly doing it just before going on the ark:


Of course, the second is much closer to what Jesus said a church should be. I doubt he’d be much of a fan of stained glass and gold crucifixes. Especially the latter, because, you know.

But only the first one explores strange new worlds - boldly.


What’s the advantage to having one’s house in a drainage basin?