Larry Kudlow warns against "plant-based beer" and Schumer wittily responds

I can barley believe I am writing this, but he is not a hoppy guy.


Is it vegan?


Thick as two short planks and dresses like a wall st pimp, that’s our larry.


I actually brewed a batch of beer yesterday. I got all my equipment cleaned and sanitized only to discover that I had eaten all of my bacon and eggs for breakfast. All I could scrounge up were some sacks of malted barley and some hops, so I just went with that.

Do you think I might be on to something?


Harumph. It is all a question of Marketing.
Tired of all the noise and bright lights?
Settle in for a stein or two of Nosferatu’s favourite -Vlad the imPale Ale.
Brewed for your carnal pleasure.

I’ve had several of the beers on this list, namely some of the “many others” in the bacon and oyster categories, and the Mangalitsa Pig Porter. I have also had an imperial stout brewed with anchovies and another brewed with sardines. I’ve never had one I’d call disgusting, or even bad. It’s not like the beer tastes meaty or anything, and it’s typically done with darker beers that already have strong flavors of their own, the flavors from the meat are usually subtle but noticeable and simply complement the flavors that are already there. Oyster stouts can be really great (though I understand they’re often flavored with oyster shells rather than oyster meat).

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He keeps saying “Brussel” instead of Brussels, too.


Maybe we have this all wrong and he’s talking about manufacturing plant-based beer.

Is Biden against craft beer?


Not sure, but Larry is dumb as a brick…


Well, okay, here’s the thing…

Yeast, an incredibly important ingredient to beer or any alcoholic beverage, is not a plant…

Same said for water…


Many beers use isinglass as a clarifying agent, which is usually derived from fish intestines.

Ergo, beer is not entirely plant based.

Nonetheless, Kudlow is still full of shit.

Your task for today is to make beer that does not contain any plants or plant extracts. If you succeed there is a lot of money to be made from the rubes Trumpist QAnon advocates.


Is there a way to set the debate format to strict rules such as no talking over your opponent… your mike is off while your opponent is talking. Mike off as soon as your time is up. Must stay on-topic or forfeit your time, mike off immediately. Debating in “Hard core” mode?

I doubt MGQ would agree, though. And spin it into an attack on the GOP.



I doubt even the most hardcore Trumpers genuinely believe lies at this level, but I have trouble understanding how they even pretend to believe it since it paints them as absolute morons and robs them of all dignity. I’m sure they’d proudly and defiantly poop their pants and talk in Hulk-speak if they could be convinced it’s a way of owning the libs.


Vanishingly few I would have thought. Same with wine using animal finings, suck as blood or isinglass or whatever, at this stage they would only be used in the kinds of wines you will not see at a supermarket.

Also, the whole point of finings and clarifying agents is that they are not an ingredient in your beer or wine, they are part of an extractive process. You do not want them and they are not in the final product.

ETA Claiming beer has meat in it would be like claiming mechanically reclaimed meat has blades and grinders in it. It doesn’t.

Which doesn’t mean that vegans would want to eat either.


For the purposes of ongoing pedantry:

But it is “flora,” so… close enough? (Also, yeasts are integral parts of many fruits and other vegetable food items, so a separation really isn’t possible.)

If you really wanted to, you could theoretically derive water from a plant source… (though that’d be some expensive water) However, most beer also has to add extra carbon dioxide when bottling to carbonate it, and I don’t know of any plant-extracted commercial CO2.

Actually, not so many anymore. Other clarifying agents are available these days.

Swim bladders, technically.

The thing about isinglass is that the whole point is it doesn’t end up in the finished beer. It’s part of the process, not the product. (This is usually true of the yeast, too - the point of the isinglass is to capture yeast so neither end up in the beer, which is why it then has to be artificially carbonated.) The beer itself is plant-based, besides the CO2 and water (which means it’s as plant-based as anything can be).


I am curious what kind of beer he’s been drinking if it’s not planted based…Wouldn’t be surprised if it was just Trump’s piss.

I think I know where Kudlow did his research on this.

Geez, y’all - I said beer is not entirely plant based. I was just trying to make fun of right wing weaseling after dumb statements are said.

Also, I had been sampling said beverage before writing all that.


Re: that last point, from either an environmental or animal-quality-of-life ethical standpoint, using animal-derived material in the production is still a problem, even if there isn’t residue in the resulting product.

It’s part of the reason why sugar labeling laws can vex vegans so much (at least in the U.S.) a lot of refined sugar is bleached with bone char, but since that material doesn’t remain in the sugar, it isn’t an ingredient, and doesn’t have to be listed on a label. Which means some famously vegan junk food, like Oreos, actually have a non-zero chance of not being vegan, based on the sugar sourcing for a given batch, but there’s no way to actually know that.

Seriously tho I’m wondering if they actually focused grouped it.

“The data is in. The polls show Brussels sprouts are the most hated vegetables in America. Plus some voters have heard of Brussels and know it’s foreign somehow, so that’s a bonus. Find a way to tie them to Biden.”