🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾 🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡 Late Stage GOP ASSHATS Events 🖕🏾🖕🏾🖕🏾🍊🍊🍊🤡🤡

Yep. That’s been happening in children’s books too.

When I was a kid, I insisted that my mother read me Shel Silverstein’s The Giving Tree over and over. Published in 1964, it’s a story about a boy who takes and takes from a tree over the course of his life until the boy is an old man and the tree is left a stump. “And the tree was happy,” the story ends. It’s a strange book, with an ending that is heartbreaking but also streaked with strange joy. I was surprised to discover recently that The Giving Tree is considered “one of the most divisive in the canon” of children’s literature in large part because its moral is unclear. Why is the tree happy when it has been sucked dry? Are we supposed to understand the relationship as one defined by generosity or abuse of power? There was even a 2014 article in The New York Times about whether The Giving Tree is a “tender story of unconditional love or a disturbing tale of selfishness.” Why not both, or, really, neither? It seems many of us can no longer imagine that children can handle, and may in fact prefer, stories defined by ambiguity — stories that have little to do with contemporary politics but rather to do with life as it is lived. The Giving Tree might be complicated, but it isn’t boring or pat. It isn’t pandering to anyone. At the very least, this was a story written with children in mind.


Oh yeah, that story. It seemed pretty weird at the time. Throw it on the pile!


You can change the ending by adding these pages:


There are many complex, controversial, and ambiguous stories for children that are excellent.

The Giving Tree was written by the same guy who wrote the song Sylvia’s Mother. The misogyny in his writing is not subtle.


Right-wingers: Support our vets!

Tammy Duckworth: [Benefits from tax law designed to help disabled vets after losing both legs in the service]

Right-wingers: Lock her up!


“Support our vets” means you say positive things about how heroic military service is regardless of how stupid the war might have been, not that you provide support to veterans.


Assholes need to look at how much it costs to adapt a house or vehicle.


Even so it’s usually just the straight white guys whose service is deemed heroic.


I’d like to draw attention (not sure if it was included in your link, since it’s Fox News) to the fact that the real estate tax they’re up in arms about is for a 1,600 square foot suburban home. Not exactly penthouse living.


Right-wingers are painting her as a super-rich elitist hypocrite exploiting a tax break meant for poor people.

I don’t think she’s actually especially wealthy, but even if she is then I say:

  1. If this law was only meant to help poor veterans then why wasn’t it written that way?
  2. Do you suppose she’s made enough money to buy back the limbs she lost during her military service?

ie, they killed brown people in foreign countries in high numbers… /s


I’ve always heard/read it as “support our wars” where “vets” is sort of fascist jargon for “men who die in war” rather than “people who survive war.” Therefore the best way to support vets is to make sure we are creating wars.


Support our war vets … by making more of them.


Crikey do we have to re-name this thread its original name?

Because that :tangerine: :clown_face: is asking for his Twitter account back.
He’s going to run again… sure looks like he’s fixin’ to:

Dangit, I had been hoping that at least his suspension from Twitter was a done deal.


Protecting free speech by forcing a private corporation to publish material against its wishes. How ironic.

This lawsuit has no legs.
Exhibit 1: Terms of Service


I hope you’re right.

I can see some fkd up scenario where either executive privileges or political “free speech” or other cockamamie argument is made to ram through a reinstatement of the Former Guy’s account.


Carve-outs and exceptionalism is the GQP’s stock-in-trade. Legality and/or legs may not even make a difference.


I’m more worried that Twitter will just cave to the pressure (of which this lawsuit is just a part) and reinstate him of their own volition.

If Twitter fights tooth and nail, it won’t be resolved for years; you’ll have emergency injunctions to stop emergency injunctions until other emergency injunctions play out.

Best case scenario: mutually assured destruction of both Twitter and Trump (and hopefully he’ll sue Facebook too).


Why the “/s”? Seems quite accurate.

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Mostly, because you’re not supposed to say that part out loud?