Continuing the discussion from Bernie Sanders is more popular than Trump, but the press ignores him:
I’ll repeat Sanders thinks his 90% tax plan will work but as we’ve seen in France the moment you do that your top earners flee the nation and avoid the taxes. In this global economy one need not live or produce in America to have sales in America so I repeat again Sanders has no plan to pay for his dreams.
As for good health Sanders is ancient and the rigors of the office will no doubt be his undoing. As for Clinton she’s still suffering from her head injury and this is why she falls all the time and yes she does fall quite often.
I don’t look at NY Times they have lied so many times it’s not worth reading and I’ve even cancelled my subscription.
I don’t need mention Christie or Kasich neither are front runners and neither have been found guilty of anything nor charged with anything remotely as bad as violating Top Secret documents (over 2,000) or abandoning dozens of requests for security and leaving an ambassador and our military to die, or the loss of over six million dollars from the State department under her watch.
Really then you need more accurate data. Under Obama nine million people dropped out of the workforce. Real unemployment would be well over 10% if that had not happened. So rather than pretend this is a Rep vs Dem issue realize this is about what is best for the nation. Under Bush even with a war unemployment was better than it is now.
You like a lot of silly links which means you, yourself don’t understand what you talk about. Conservative states may have more crime I’ll stipulate to that but it is because people flock to those states as they also have more jobs, better economies and thus buy more things which can be stolen leading to higher crime. But lets compare the crime in Texas to Detroit which do you think has higher crime rates? It’s not the larger Texas that’s for sure. But then you’d have to understand how crime is documented and what crimes get hidden away due to liberal statistics.
I’ve worked for presidents on both sides of the aisle and have worked in law enforcement for the federal government for decades, do I know it all know. But apparently a bit more than others here.